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Do you have neighbours who do crazy things?

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plowter | 20:42 Sat 20th Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
After reading about the woman who kept her horse in her house and blocked the drains by flushing horse poo down the loo. Do you have any neighbours who do crazy things?


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Nope don't have any neighbours
I used to have a neighbor who had guinea pigs in her back garden. Every bloody night, she'd be out there chatting to them, putting them to bed.
Our bedroom was directly above it, and we'd hear everything she said to them.
Christmas Eve was the best, when she told them to hurry up and go to sleep, cos Santa was on his way!

I kid you not.
Mine are all sane and normal I'm afraid.
Round the corner from me is a house whose garden is piled high with old cars and rubbish and every window is filled up with books, boxes and clutter. It's a total mess but I understand the owner is to be pitied. I wouldn't be keen if he lived next door to me. Nimby and all that.
Mine has done a wide range of parking-related nuttiness, he's a scream (not)!
Well I like to think that I'm the crazy neighbour lol.
I've got a Gurkha family next to me and the smell from their kitchen drives me crazy.........trying to persuade a son to marry their daughter so I get invited to dinner!
Oh... Our neighbour, many years ago when we were first married and living in the depths of rural Northumberland, would take potshots at rabbits in his garden with his legally held 12 bor, while sipping his lunchtime G & T.
I have the best neighbours in the world.
Love the guinea pig one, bless
"Christmas Eve was the best, when she told them to hurry up and go to sleep, cos Santa was on his way! "

That's adorable, i'd find that endearing if i'd heard it.

My neighbours are boringly normal.
This doesn't really qualify, but...
Some years ago, a neighbour who had been taken to hospital gave me her key and asked me to collect some nightclothes from her house.
When I went into the house, the curtains were half closed, and there was a leg sticking out from behind the sofa.
I swear I almost had a heart attack.
It turned out that she had lost a leg in a motorbike accident - she had two false legs, and this was the leg for high-heeled shoes.
ooo yeah, you'd need different legs for different style shoes wouldn't you? Urgh!
It was quite cute, but we could not stop laughing. I had to put a pillow over my head, because I had a huge fit of the giggles :-D
I have a neighbour who has a wood burner and every few weeks he asks me if he can cut down the trees in my garden, I'm convinced I will come home one day and he will have done just that. Another neighbour told him he could cut down a tree in his garden, instead of the classic mistake of sitting on the branch he was cutting, he stood below and it fell on his head, knocking him out.
I still live opposite the Banker who comes out of his front door every morning two steps to his car parked outside his garage, takes off his overcoat puts it . on the back seat then takes off his jacket and puts that on the back seat with his briefcase. Off to work he goes. Comes home gets out of his car puts on his jacket then his overcoat picks up his briefcase and two steps to his front door and goes in. Sometimes his wife opens the door for him while he is putting his coats on. Me and my next door neighbours usually watch this pantomime every night. Neither of us knew that we watched him until she casually mentioned if I'd noticed something. It was the first thing that came to mind. 'You don't mean the coats!'
How strange - I used to live near someone who took a horse into the house. You would see him looking out of the window. Don't know what happened to them - it was a Council house so no doubt they eventually got evicted.
Whilst doing a crossword in bed & listening to a nice relaxing CD late at night, I heard the cries of a lady in distress. I ran down stairs and informed my husband who has to walk with the aid of a stick. He walked a little way along the street then came back with a grin on his face. It was the young couple next door to us having very loud sex! (They have since moved and become parents!)
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When I was youger I had a great room in a flat. The landlady was an auld wifie who lived downstairs. There was a bloke who had the room next door but I never met him. The landlady described him as a 'good family man'

One Friday I dashed back home and caught him at his door. He had just locked his door and wasn't quick enough to unlock and get back inside. So I got my first look at him.

He was about 50, bald, glasses, wearing a trench coat. He also had fishnets, red stilletos, eyeshadow, lipstick and a mustache. It turned out he had a senior position in a high street bank and was a weekend tv.

So it goes.

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Do you have neighbours who do crazy things?

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