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Baked Egg And Ham Cup Cakes

16:37 Mon 24th May 2010 |

Serves 4

If you have a little extra time on your hands at breakfast, this is a fabulous recipe, perfect for a Sunday morning. Baked egg and ham cup cakes are very easy to make all you need is eggs, ham and a little bit of olive oil. The egg is baked in ham to form a cup cake shape, and as egg and ham is already a traditional breakfast food it makes perfect sense that these very cute little cup cakes are ideal for breakfast.

Baked egg and ham cup cakes are also a great healthy alternative to a fried egg and far more fun than a boiled egg, so if you still crave a fry up but worry about the fat this recipe is wonderful.

Children will love the novelty of an egg cup cake and enjoy the taste. Egg and ham cup cakes are very yummy and they are perfect with soldiers. If you want to treat yourself, you could grate some cheese on top before baking so your cup cakes have a delicious melted cheese topping.


  • 4 slices of ham
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 tsp olive oil


  1. Grease a muffin tray with olive oil.
  2. And line four of the holes with ham.
  3. Crack an egg in to each lined hole and bake in an oven at 180C for 15-25 minutes.

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