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roast beef

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bubbles4920 | 05:48 Sat 15th Nov 2008 | Food & Drink
5 Answers
how do you roast beef to medium or medium well without it being tough still when carved. was going to follow the correct cooking times per lb etc but am afraid it will be like leather.


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Pastafreak and Clanad answered by Q re Roast beef brilliantly a few weeks back and I must say it came out DELISH!!!!!!

I asked regarding a fillet of beef around 866grams and i wanted to know technique and core temp.

I will paste their reply to my question:

Put your oven on at 220 degrees or at gas mark 6,put beef in roasting tray and put some water at the base of tray, season lightly with salt if liked,dont add any extra fat,in oven roast for about 20 or 25 minutes, then reduce heat to say 190c or gas mark 4,baste occasionally and add more water if needed, makes excellent gravy and keeps the meat moist,cook for another 20 or 25 minutes, take out and test to see if the blood is running slightly from the centre, if you are happy put on the side to rest for at least 20mins then carve, remember if you have a fan oven it will be a slightly lower temp and not take as long, p.s dont cover in foil bon appetite!!!

CLANAD: Medium rare at 145 degrees F (I'm in the U.S., you'll have to do the math). However, It should be removed at about 140 degrees since the temperature will continue to rise... (Medium is about 160 degrees F.)
The thing to remember with red meat; it keeps on cooking once out of the oven and this is why it often gets overcooked. Leaving it 20 mins once cooking time is up lets the juices soak back into the meat while it's finishing cooking hence juicy, pink meat.
evedawn wasnt that me that posted that reply lol, not pasta freak, puddicat i regonise it!!!
i cover my roast beef in tin foil.
then add water to the tray put it in the oven for about 2 and half hours and keep checking. in case the water dry s up then i take it out and make sure its cooked with a fork if not i just put it back in
My be a huge joint of beef or a very low oven to cook for 2 and half hours

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