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How to loss weight? Help!

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nwhaam | 10:00 Thu 28th Sep 2006 | Food & Drink
3 Answers
I need some good advice about loosing weight!
I have big support on
Does anyone knows some good diet that helps


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I have tried and failed on hundreds of diets and I can honestly say that the best way to lose weight is to make small changes that you can keep to and not follow any diet as such.

This is what I am trying to do at the moment.

Porridge in morning instead of toast.
Drink lots of water
If theres is a low cal/fat version onstead of a high fat one buy it - ie low cal mayo,fizzy drinks.

Little but permananet changes.

Eat Less and move more. Just small changes can add up and it's best to gradually lose weight as crash diets often fail. And as PinkFizz said drink lots of water, dehydration can make you think your hungry.
Joining Weight Watchers was the BEST thing I have ever done. It's so much more motivating when you know someone else will be weighing you each week. And you make lifestyle changes, it's not a diet.

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