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andyjevs | 13:50 Sun 20th Nov 2005 | Food & Drink
3 Answers

I've heard that blueberries are very good for you so i've been to tesco and got 150g for �2.50...and 150g ain't very much.

So how much should i eat per day to be part of the 5 a day or to be of any benifit. I could eat the 150g in 20 seconds flat !!!



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You could stuff them all in your mouth at once andy, but it's a bit piggy and at that price very expensive.

They are now being marketed as the new super fruit taking over from the ubiquitous cranberry ensuring you have a gleaming urinary tract plus lowering your cholesterol - so you really cannot go wrong with these little berries. A handful a day should be enough. Pop some into plain yogurt or into muffins. or straight into your mouth. Don't wash them until you want to eat them as the whitish bloom on the skin helps to keep them fresh.

get planting some bushes of your own Andy, we put in three bushes last Autumn and had our first crop this summer, not a great deal of fruit, but it will improve and so easy to care for too! I had to put our crop in the freezer as it was ready at the 'wrong time' for me to use, but ok for my breakfast smoothies!
I presume you may be referring to fresh blueberries... here in the U.S., flash frozen blueberries are just as healthy as the fresh ones and considerably less expensive. Jules001 suggestion is excellent though, for long term supply...

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