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josaphine32 | 19:12 Sun 14th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Daughter wanted to buy quorn chicken nuggets, I have just tried one, it was quite nice, but if you are a vegetarian, why would you want to eat something that tasted just like chicken but not, when I say that obviously it is a moral issue in killing an animal, but it did taste chickeney, so why would you eat something that tastes of something you are against, even though it is not meat?
Your thoughts,
Thanks jo


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Sorry I did post in food, but this bloody tablet posts anywhere, thankfully it did not go into law/
Ive often thought that myself. vegetarian bacon now theres a thing! why would you want something to taste like an animal?
I agree. It's almost an acceptance of defeat when vegetarians say that vegetarian food can be tasty, as long as you make it taste like meat.
Never having even considered vegetarianism, I can only guess that they like the texture and taste but not the thought that an animal died.
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Mamma good answer, but if you liked the texture and taste, but against animal slaughter, you must think when munching on say chicken nugget, this is what chicken tastes of, why would it not be a put off, even knowing it tastes just like a meat, sorry just wanted your imput. X
I don't see a problem with it. Some people who love eating meat become vegetarian for a number of reasons, including high cholesterol and other ailments; or simply as a protest against animal farming.

It could be similar to somebody on a strict weight reduction diet using sugar substitute because they like the sweet taste; drinking diet coke; eating reduced fat crisps.

I admire vegetarians who love the taste and texture and meat but abstain for moral reasons.
I don't think it tastes anything like chicken. Reminds me more of mushrooms
I'm a vegetarian and I have never eaten any of the meat or fish substitutes. Last week I saw Linda McCartney fish free scampi in the supermarket freezer what's that all about?

Some people like it though, so each to their own.
I don't understand that either - I don't understand why a vegetarian would want a meaty taste (although I take on board the health considerations mentioned earlier).
If God had not wanted us to eat animals he wouldn't have made them out of meat, would he? :-)
One word. Incisors.
I don't think vegetarians are against food that tastes of meat. They aren't objecting to the taste, more about the fact that something has died so that they can eat it.

Vegetarians enthuse but rarely persuade. Hitler was a veggie and he was a barrel of laughs wasn't he ? He was always so cross ! The link between Hitler's veggieness and his desire for European domination has never been fully explored in my opinion. You can't help but wonder if he would have been more better tempered if only he had eaten a nice bacon sandwich once in a while.
I was a vegetarian years ago and vegan for a while. It doesn't really taste like meat, a little but it's very different.

If you are an ethical vegan then you are anti animals dying for you to eat, having something that tastes like it is by the by to me as you aren't actually eating an animal so it is different.

I guess for people who have switched to being vegetarian it means they can eat similar kinds of meals just without the meat in them, veggie sauces, burgers, mince etc... also useful if you are attending things like BBQs as you can take your own veggie stuff.

A lot of veggie meals can take a lot of preparation and, generally, it's good to have some quick solutions handy to bulk out a meal. You don't find such a large range of veggie (and especially vegan) products about like you would for non-veggies and it can be a faff to go to different food stores to get stuff, probably more generally available nowadays though.

I only tended to use the bacon bits for flavouring though not many as they tended to be quite strong. Could never stomach tofu either, horrible stuff.
I didn't eat meat from quite a young age but I'd still eat a dinner cooked with meat (stew, gravy)

I don't like the texture but quite like the flavour.
A thought has just come to mind.......Do Vegetarians have pets and bring them up as non meat eaters.?

Hopefully they do if they have a rabbit :-)
Some do Alston. Cats are obligate carnivores and its very hard to feed them a non meat diet, also of course, given the chance, they are more than capable of catching their own meat. Some keep dogs on a vegetarian diet but most believe that while they can make an ethical/moral choice for themselves, they should not do so for their dog. Many will make great efforts to feed their dogs on humanely reared and slaughtered meat, either by buying from specialist suppliers or through contact with local farmers and butchers.
Please do not think that I am knocking veggies because way back, at least 50 years ago, I was one for a period of ten years. I was adopting the view that I couldn't kill animals and should Not expect other folk to do it for my benefit as a meat eater. However, I then realised that my home was being heated by coal fires and I dreaded the thought of going down a coal mine; despite the fact I live in South Wales. So I went to all electric heating; but then realised that that also involved a coal fired Power Station.

Final outcome, I went back to eating meat and retained my electric heating.

Wasn't there a vegetarian bloodhound in Shirley Valentine?
I'm off to bed now craft but can't go without a further comment.

I didn't see the film but recall reading somewhere of there being a neighbour's dog who was a veggie or was being made to be one. I think he had a somewhat Scottish name.

It could be something for me to research tomorrow.

Goodnight all ABers.


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