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j-dog | 14:48 Tue 15th Nov 2005 | Music
23 Answers
am i the only one who thinks coldplay is totally overrated? i mean, their stuffs ok, but its not that good!


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Drivel! thats my view!

Dreary drivel, is my view.

One of the most boringly dull bands ever.

Put some on when you're driving, the weather is really dull and overcast and you're stuck in a huge traffic jam.

I can somehow connect to their songs more if all of the above are present in the equation.
Generally I find them very insipid, although I do have a sneaking regard for Fix You.
I don't like them either, and listening to them makes me feel like I'm stuck in a traffic jam with overcast weather.
I think they are brilliant.... But have always had the same feeling about U2, seriously over hyped in my opinion.

I suppose it's just personal taste.
Their first 2 albums were good. And at the time quite a breath of fresh air (guitar music-wise) from the utter gash that is the likes of oasis.

But their latest album is so unbelieveably boringly awful that I have really gone off them. It is a complete turkey and the record company is cashing in and just making them release whatever comes into their heads. They'd be much better off waiting about 3/4 years and picking 12 corkers.

But then Parlophone are harldy going to let that happen and lose out on all that lovely cahs that bored housewives and thirtysomethings are going to spend on albums like "X & y"

so they WERE good. But now they're pants.
It is, as always, a matter of personal opinion. In my opinion, they are a bunch of trendy left-wing tree-hugging bedsit-dwelling, cableknit jumper-wearing whiny voiced sub-sixth-form-poetry-writing lentil-steamers, but I'm not one to over-state my position, as regulars here will know!
Rushed out and bought 'Parachutes' solely on the strength of 'Yellow', and yes I was hugely disappointed. I think I played the album twice and that was enough. Massively overhyped.

i liked yellow but they put m to sleep!

Its the perfect slit your wrists soundtrack.......not my cup of quite fond of my wrists thankyou!
so totally agree with sleepincutie...all agree at work...we call it music to kill yourself to and turn over the radio station every time Coldplay come on!! On a par with Dido methinks
I fully agree witht he two previous answers. Colplay is dull,dull DULL.
You lot need your heads examined, if it makes you want slit your rists then there is something obviously wrong in your own lives. Everyone says that Radiohead is the same but they are for ever being voted best band ever or best album ever voted by us the public. Music is a personal thing and if you don't like Coldplay you obviously don't understand the sentiment behind their lyrics. If you don't like it, don't listen to it, simple as that, don't just slag it of for those of us who do
wot is going on with you guys!!! - coldplay are a top band, all those who think it;s ' slit your wrist time', then you cleasrly don't understand the lyrics. if you don;t like the music, don't listen to it, but you are seriously missing out, there are a great band, the best band i have ever had the pleasu8re in meeting, and i have met a few in my line of work - if you have the albums, get them out, play them and really listen to them, you will relate better to them, because everybody goes through it in their lifetime - and yes, i am shouting to get the message accross!!!!!!!!!!
their songs are totally depressing. has anyone noticed they only play their songs on tv if it is a programme for charity's

Totally agree with the last two posters. Those slagging them off as dull and dire have obviously never seen them live. The energy the band, particualrly Chris Martin expend during their stage performances is staggering.

They are currently one of, if not THE biggest band on the planet as their CD and broken-all-records download count shows.

Just because they don't do drugs, groupies, limo's and all that live life on the edge ******** and have comparatively normal home live's means they are boring. Nothing like Brits to give a home grown success a good kicking is there? Chris Martin even punches photographers who invade his personal space which means he's not a bad bloke in my book!

Posted the same time as hollie 1586 which means I don't agree with the last two posters, actually the two before her!

Come on they're not that bad, in fact i like them especially after i saw them at glastonbury, where they rocked, they are overrated but they are certainly not depressing.

I can't see how they are depressing at all. Depressing music is brilliant! 16 Horsepower, Leonard Cohen, Nick Cave, Radiohead etc- all brilliant stuff.

Coldplay are not the band they were 5 years ago, but make you slit your wrists? thats a bit drastic isn't it? Now Will Young/ Gareth Gates earning �6 million a year for doing Doors covers - that would mae me want to slit my wrists.

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