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Weathered Migraine!

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smudge | 18:47 Tue 17th May 2005 | Body & Soul
19 Answers

It's been so overcast here today, that it's given me the most cracking migraine. I've been feeling dizzy with it too & have been laying down most of the day.

Does anyone else suffer when the weather's like this?

Typical May weather - UK.



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i do i get the headache when its muggy..and also when its going to thunder..the weather here in the midlands isnt wonderfull either at the moment..its been nice all day but is now cloudy..and rain could be on its way..i dont like it humid either i am dreading the heatwave they say we are going to i will get prickly heat rash..and have only just got rid of a severe outbreak of that..lets hope the weather forcast for the heatwave is wrong..

Yes smudge I'm very sensitive to air pressure changes & let's face it we never get two days the same at the moment. I think my body thermostat's gone today, I just haven't been able to get warm! Snow on the way is a really weird one for me. I feel nauseous & dizzy & get a strange taste in my mouth.

When I have a migraine & it finally goes I feel like I've no head at all for hours after!!

Hope you're feeling better now! x

Yes, me Smudge.  I woke up with it and then had to lay down all afternoon and sleep.  It is still there.  I also feel nausious with it and have a horrible taste in the mouth.  Like Robinia I have also felt cold all day. Oxeyedaisy, I get prickly heat rash too and also dread heatwaves.

What a bunch of old crocks we are today!!


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21:20 - Hi Girls - I've just woken up again! I fell asleep watching Fred Dibnah's last steam engine journey & woke up just in time to see him arrive at Buck' Palace to recieve his MBE.

I've felt dreadful all day & been laying on the sofa with a duvet over me & a pair of thermal sox on, but my feet were still freezing! I'm only just warming up now, the nausea is just beginning to subside, although my head still feels weird - but that's nothing unusual!

I couldn't beleive it either when my husband said they mentiond snow on the news!

I do hope you's & I feel better tomorrow - sleep well. -x-

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*receive *believe - I'm still seeing double at the mo!

Poor smudge.  I have to ask if you are sure it's a migraine and not rhubarbitis or crumbleonia, both of which can be caused by overdosing on on puddings? There is another rare condition called tiptopemia, but I don't think you'll have that.

Seriously, I hope you feel lots better very soon. x

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Ah - thank you thikasabrik - I'm feeling slightly better now!

We very rarely eat anything naughty in this house, but I felt in a baking mood yesterday, so knocked up a couple of crumblies! We only had a small portion each & gave the rest away!

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P.S. Your post was very humorous - it's good to have fun!
Sorry Smudge but its been lovely and warm here and I hope you get the same soon and i hope your feeling much better tomorrow.With love from north Devonxx
If it's any small consolation smudge it's freezing up here in the cold wasteland of Yorkshire - I'm wearing 2 jumpers AND have had to put the heating on. I know it's going to rain here very soon because my knees tell me so. Who needs Michael Fish when you have creaky joints?
I think we all should take a coach trip to VINNY's where it's warmer!!  Now where's our driver? - graemer!!
Ooh, Devon cream teas. I'll get my coat.
The Bus is here! Oh no the crumble's all gone! I'm off again, got other's to see. Bye smudge hope you're better this day!
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Hi all - I'm feeling a bit better than yesterday, although the back of my head & neck still feels a bit achy. Never mind, I'm off for a trim!

Hope everyone else suffering with the same thing, is feeling better today too. -x-

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P.S. Thank you for the good wishes & humour. Happy days!

Yes .... I think I can "feel" electricity in the air too, when it's very muggy and about to storm. Somehow the atmosphere "looks" different too, to me, very "sharp" (if that doesn't sound too mad).

I almost always get extremely bad headaches when the weather's like that and sometimes they develop into migraines.

i tend to get bad aura migranines in bad muggey weather, especially just before a thunder storm. I have treied lots of prescription and none prescription medicines and the thing I have found helps stave off a migraine is a bit of Feverfew tincture in water. This works if I take it whenh I feel a migrane coming on's too late if the flashing lights have already started! hope this helps
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Yep me too Gilli - I always know when a storm is brewing - I get the most debilitating headache too, which invariably turn into a migraine!

I do appear to have a lot of electricity in my body, so I wonder if that has anything to do with it? You never know. Take care! 

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Thank you catra1 - I shall have to try the Feverfew tincture method.

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