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Can we have an update please?

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Psychick | 23:00 Tue 08th Apr 2008 | Pregnancy
104 Answers
With so many of you expectant mums seeming to be due around now, I think its time we had an update on your due dates.

To all those who are just finding expecting, feel free to add your dates too :)


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oh thats nice so you will be able to see alot of him. x
Ive just had a midwife appt.

baby happy as larry, now 2/5ths engaged so heading in right direction.

Had some awfully sharp pains last night, every 3-5 mins for 2 hours. 4get and others (house full) were all waiting for me to announce baby coming but it all settled down again.

Midwife says my size has increased by 4cms again so maybe 4get was right with her weight prediction :)

Nat, 2 sweeps is pretty good. Ive got one on Tuesday a necessary evil i suppose. Hope yours wasnt too bad.

Dakota, a sweep is where the midwife performs an internal and tries to open the cervix with her fingers and stretch it. This sometimes results in labour if the cervix is favourable.

Nat, what did they say about yours?
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Morning everyone :)

I will go through later and put all the dates together when I have two hands ( unless someone else very kindly does it for me in the meantime lol)

As I havent got a bump of my own anymore to await the arrival of, nor have I got any family members expecting, I have decide to be surrgate auntie to all those ABers expecting if thats ok lol

How did you find the sweep nat? Ive deliberately avoided talking about how it is so as not to worry you lol

red do you think the pains were contractions or the strains and pressure of baby laying in an awkward place?

Can I just have a little opinion on something without offending or upsetting anyone? For anyone whos out buying cute little bits for the new arrivals, can I recommend you only buy soft material shoes, not proper hard ones such as proper trainers. I know they are very cute but not suitable until baby is walking as they can damage the delicate growing feet. Im not having a go, just a bit of advise :) Someone brought a pait of Nike trainers for my first and they were something like size 2 which would have fitted her in the first few months so sadly the money was wasted as she never got to wear them.
I wouldnt dare by shoes for my nephew even now, thats mums choice xx
as a family tradition Mr CRX bought little CRXs first shoes, in a lovely soft fabric.

Sadly little CRX was born with huge feet so they never fit!. He was wearing size 3 soft shoes a few weeks later.

But yes, i entirely agree with what your saying.
I am glad I have found out what a 'sweep' is. I thought it involved a broom! Just decided that I am glad I am past child bearing years with all the prodding and poking and 'sweeping' ;o)

I wish you all the very best with your little ones and look forward to Whitney making an appearance at any minute Natalie!
Hello - I am back! Unfortunately not with any news though. I only dashed on here very quickly this morning as I knew I wouldn't be able to get back on until around now and didn't want people getting excited that things might be happening for me lol!

So... the sweep. I'm pretty hardy, and things like smears and stuff don't worry me, but when I went in I was a bit excited (could be the start of things - I don't tend to look forward to internals) and a bit nervous! Midwife is lovely, and I am sure she enjoyed performing the sweep about as much as I enjoyed enduring it, but I hope things start to happen before I have to have another on Saturday - it wasn't pleasant. Although, like you say Red, it's a necessary evil. It just doesn't feel natural in the slightest, pretty uncomfortable in all although it wouldn't put me off having another (I am that desperate).

I got 5 points if that means anything to anyone and I am now 1-2cm dilated, she managed to prod baby's head through the cervix (not a nice thought / experience!), and within an hour of getting home I had a show (not a bloody one) but have had nothing since, it just feels a bit tender and bruised down there. But hey ho, there's still tonight to go and something might happen then!

Midwife worried me a bit because she said baby had turned, which it had, but she meant turned from one side to the other and not breech. Baby's back was running down my left side with feet kicking to the right, but after 9months in that position obviously thought s/he'd give the other side a go and spun round so back is now running down my right side with feet kicking to left. Head is still only 4/5 engaged.

We were out and about today and got back to find that the heating has given up the ghost so have to get that fixed tomorrow, which is just what we need as yu can imagine.

Hope you're having more progress than me Red, what with your brother going back tomorrow. My dad is going back to Norwich tomorrow, but if I go into labour before then then he is going to stay until Saturday so I'd love for baby to come in the next day so thye get to meet grandad otherwise they mightn't see him for a few weeks / month.

Hope everyone else is well, expectant mums, cyber aunties and all xx
Hello, hun! I think I'm going to be right with my Friday night/early Saturday morning prediction. I hope so, anyway, so your dad can meet bubba before he has to head back.

I've been given the job of announcing the news if red has the baby tomorrow when 4get is away from the PC. I'm chuffed! :)

Take it easy in the mean time, hun. x x
hi all im due 29th of april.cant wait now!!!
Mornign all, hope all are well.

Nat - Thats exciting news about having a show, all in the right direction chick!!! Sweep is a bit of a funny feeling, but I'm sure you're just glad for a push start!

angel - congrats and hope you keep us all updated with your news, it's all very exciting! I'll be finishing on maternity next week so will need occupying! x x x
Got my 20 week scan in half an hour. I'm 21 weeks tomorrow and i am hoping to find out the sex.
I Love Snow

I found out at this point and I felt so excited knowing what I was carrying. Can't describe the feeling, just an instant excitement about it!

I didn't find out on my first, so was excited about having a surprise, but really wanted to know this time!

Any feelings as to what you'r carrying? x x x
Hi Andrea, I think its a girl but other half thinks its a boy. When you found out did you tell anyone that you knew what you were having?
I Love Snow
Ye, I told the world. Me trying to keep a sectret is near enough impossible. My first was a boy (which I had a feeling I was having), but I thought I was having another boy again. But nope she's a girl!

Just hope they were right as I have bought pink pink pink! x x x x x (will know in 6 weeks ish!)
hope all goes well ILS and cant wait to hear your news x

any further twinges nat? I had what i thought was one heck of a contraction last night, doubled over in pain but it was a one off, didnt happen again.

My brother is off on his plane today so he wont get to see the baby until he comes home in summer for a visit.
Awwww , that would bring a tear to your eye redcrx sweetie , will you be able to keep in touch by phone and emails honey ? xxxxx
oh yes, we will be in touch a lot, though when they do their road trip i doubt we will email much. They fly to Phoenix and then travel to North Carolina to settle down.

Hes me little brother and as much as we fight and argue (a lot) i will still miss him loads. x
Morning ladies, hope you've had your brekkie..... if not you have been warned that the next bit might be a bit yukkie......I can only apologise.....

I haven't had any pains Red, but when I got up this morning I went to the loo and something (I assume some of the plug but it went round the u-bend to quick for me to see) plopped into the toilet - since then everytime I go to the loo more mucus seems to be coming away, although, as yet, none of it is bloody so I am not getting too excited. Dad is due to travel home at lunchtme today so sod's law says it all kicks off tonight LOL!
Yay natalie hun , I do hope this is promising for you , does your father have to go back ? xxx

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