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seanmellors | 22:10 Wed 12th Sep 2007 | Parenting
10 Answers
i have 2 chidren one is 1 half the other is 3, i cant seem to get my oldest off dummies as he takes the youngest childs dummy off her, so decided to take it off them both, but whats the best way to this?


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I have a 3 yr old and a 7 month old,and i just took his dummy away around march and my yougest still had hers,i just told him the fairies had to take it away for little babies and that i couldnt see his beautiful teeth with the dummy in his mouth,he didnt like it very much but just took it away anyway he cried for a while then fell asleep etc asked for it a few times the next day or so then just forgot about it,but taking it away altogether done the trick,i know its hard but has to be done!!! He'll get over it,just stick it out
Try swapping the dummy for a new toy or book. If you can get the 3 yr old to actually give it to you himself then all the better. The younger one will forget about it in a few days. Just stick to your guns it will be worth it.
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well all i did was snap thr teat of and leave the dummy and told him its gone lol lol ... every time he pickt it up he just said gone lol and never had a dummy in the house after that
I think its right to take it off both of them, 1 year is the best age to get rid of them anyway as its much easier if they are younger. For the older one you could say that now you are big all the dummies have to go in a bag and go to the charity shop where they will be given to new babies and then do it together. Then go and let him choose a toy or teddy to have instead. There will be lots of tears but give loads of cuddles and he'll have forgotten in a few days or a week maybe!
oooh baby gaga's 18 months and she still has her dummy, although only when going to sleep.
after reading aims1202's post i should maybe remove it. as her teeth may get affected.
i;ll start from
I'm not sure if dummies do affect their teeth but i think they do sometimes affect speech, but thats probably only if they have it all the time. In my experience of looking after different age children i found its much easier to get rid of dummies when they are young.
wouldn't worry too much about it at the mo, I had a lot of trouble weaning my daughter off a dummy, at one point she had three, and used to do a kind of juggling act with one in each hand and one in her mouth!
I only started to seriously wean her off them as she was coming up to pre-school age, by which time she was only using them at night anyway. had a few upset nights, but eventually persuaded her to "send them to children who don't have dummies!" little white lies, but sometimes they can work wonders! Btw she's now 20 and showing no ill effects from dummy removal!
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Thankyou for all the advice! on day 3 now things are gr8 during the day but bedtimes for the younger 1 aint so good, n slightly upsetting for us all! but my little boy has been gr8 he helped me pack away the dummies for the babies, and has only asked twice if he could have 1 !! :-)
Just throw all the things in the bucket!

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