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teen mums

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wee_angel | 23:46 Tue 21st Feb 2006 | Parenting
44 Answers
Hi what do you think of teen mums?


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Thank you for all your answers. I know it's not easy having a child no matter what age you are (as I have learned) but I love my son more than anything else in the world and I haven't just had him so I could get a flat etc. I still live with my parents and although they help me I don't leave my mum to bring him up as someone said a lot of teens do. I admit when I first found out I was pregnant I didn't want a child and a lot of people told me not to go through with it but I'm glad I did as he has really changed my life for the better. In some ways he has even brought me closer to my parents as I can see their point of view better now! It is hard not being able to go out or do things I used to but when I see his first smile and him starting to hold his own head etc I know this is a lot better than hanging about outside in the cold.Thanx xxx
It's up to them. I am an older mum with two kids and that suits me as I had loads of fun with no responsibilities before settling down. Couldn't have done it as a teenager OR in my twenties!
Thanks for the two stars on my second post wee_angel, although I wasn't expecting any at all - I was only giving my story & not giving an opinion of the teen Mums of today. Good luck.

Noxlumos. I have to disagree. Yes the 1960's is when teen culture kicked off, but we did not set ourselves apart from adults as kids seem to these days. I was part of that culture remember - very much part of it. We still had far more knowledge of what family life was about. I certainly wasn't referring to the Chav element - I have little knowledge of Chavs. What Pippa has said following your comment is far more what I meant.

I am not knocking teenagers in any way, but I certainlly do not think that their behaviour is more mature in general.

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Sorry smudge, I must of missed your first post when I was rating people- sorted now.xxxxx
I was 18 when my son was born and I'm a damn good mum. He will be 10 this year and we are very close and have great fun together. He is a credit to me and everyone comments on how clever and mature he is.

Hi again wee_angel, you really didn't need to worry, I'm mature enough not to worry about a few stars!

Have a wonderful life with your little family, just as we have. -xxxx-

Well done to you too mycatis. -xx-
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You too smudge. It's so nice to hear how everyone has done well with their families and I hope I do just as well.thanx everyone xxxxx
I was 19 when i became pregnant went on my first holiday abroad drunk too much water and came back pregnant i had and still have a very good job my daughter is 2 now i juggle the house(after living with my parents and them doing everything for me), work and giving her everything she needs at once just the same as what an older mother and any mother for that fact does just because your young how does that make you incapabal or different to anyone. I cant bear it when people like that plank in the car park make comments or give you a look they wouldn't do it to someone else. You find people like him with a bit of luck has a 14 15 year old daughter/grand daughter that falls pregnant wonder what he will say then. All i can say to you is cherish your bab cause it is and will be the best thing that has happened to you i know you do and take no notice of people who take this approach good luck to the both of you xxxxxxxxxxxx

Also a very good mate of mine had a baby at 14 and twins at 19 god i don't know how she copes but she has done a perfect job three beautiful children always smiling and happy and i really admire her for this even though she is a couple of years younger than me i look up to her as she is in my eyes unbelivable

i was a teen mum at the age of 16 and now ive got three kids i dont for one min wish it any different
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You all sound like loving caring mums and dads and I just hope I do as good a job as you lot done.Good luck everyone and thank you for your answers. luv nicola xxxxx

seen from another thread your from Falkirk, im from round that area, a few years ago a man made a cheeky comment to me in Tesco, although i wasnt the babies mum, i was looking after him for my cousin.. i was so angry with him small minded twit

My cousin who's baby i had was 30 when she had him but 13 years before she had 2 boys and is one of the best mums i know, she has raised her two eldest are fantastic young men.

think it could just be a Falkirk attitude.

you just enjoy your little fella, as the baby i would have been very proud to be his mum.

meant to say some falkirk peoples attitudes.

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Yes Sam82 I have met a lot of ignorant people in the Falkirk area. Some people are so quick to judge others without even knowing anything about them but who cares. It bothered me at the time what that man said but after reading what everyone posted I have realised what a small minded person he was and that I should be focusing on my wee boy! xxx
i think when you see some of the 30-something mothers on Trisha and Jeremy Kyle you realise that age isn't everything! it's about maturity which clearly some people never gain!
How right you are blink_babe13!
everyone is different !
Well said blink_babe13 - age certainly isn't everything!

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