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Coworker Making Inappropriate Comments About My Body Shape?

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Treacle71 | 08:00 Fri 10th Nov 2023 | Business & Finance
17 Answers

I wondered if you guys thought it's inappropriate. 

I came back into the office and the guy in the office was talking about me to another guy in the office (a woman knows when they're being talked about) and one of them says to me, "Have you got body parts?  Have you got a liver and kidneys, because you're so lean I don't know where all your body parts are".  I was shocked and laughed it off, but thinking about it now it hurt my feelings.  I don't like being body shamed in that way especially from someone I don't know.



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Laughing it off was best. It prevents barriers being built and bonds the team. If you really can't tolerate such comments then next time politely say you are sensitive about your figure so such comments upset you, and could they not do it. That way the ball is in their court. But life is easier if you can teach yourself not to take offence where no ill intent seems...
10:05 Fri 10th Nov 2023

Are you sure that's shaming or a compliment? 

Ignore it now, but if it happens again you need to say something straight away in a polite but firm way to let them know that you feel it's inappropriate and is upsetting you.

Just reply, of course I have or I would be here talking to you now.

That sounds like an (inappropiate) compliment.

However, I would suggest you ask them not to say it first but if you cant or they persist go to the supervisor or HR.

you must have complained about everyone in that office so perhaps they are getting their own back


as you have alluded to before your office is mainly staffed with people who English is not their first language - and you misunderstood what they were actually saying.

Ah, a British Gas call centre.

he said that to you

or about you when you werent there

to you - deal with it at the time - challenge  him, and not spend time posting here

about you - you cant be certain, do nothing


I get used to being called a fat *** for obvious reasons

Stop talking to or listening to everyone.


 If you don't want to be upset or if you don't want to upset's the only way.


I would have laughed.  Being precious means you constantly perceive yourself to be the victim and that makes your own life miserable.  

Next time you could respond in kind by saying something like " they were removed at the same time as your brains"

I am beginning to think treacle and abbey are related

Laughing it off was best. It prevents barriers being built and bonds the team. If you really can't tolerate such comments then next time politely say you are sensitive about your figure so such comments upset you, and could they not do it. That way the ball is in their court. But life is easier if you can teach yourself not to take offence where no ill intent seems to be intended. Save action/ retorts for when others are deliberately being unpleasant. One gets on better with others that way.

That's mean - you're so lean!  If the guys work alongside you then you do know them so give them as good as you get.

Not on if 'English isn't their first language' though.

Hurt male pride in certain groups brings out the cave dweller in some and they do know how to let folk know about it.

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Thanks everyone xx

Redhelen, I agree.  All getting a bit much now.

I'd have taken it as a compliment! 

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