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When is the bank of England base rate likely to increase? And by what rate?

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simonJ007 | 13:36 Sun 06th Mar 2011 | Personal Finance
4 Answers
When is the bank of England base rate likely to increase? And by what rate?


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No-one knows but we can be pretty certain it will not fall further and the experts seem to think it will increase slightly by the end of the year (probably in 0.25% steps) because inflation is consistently above the target rate. My guess is that we'll see is +0.25 % in summer and maybe another 0.25% in the Autumn.
The next meeting of the Monetary Policy Committee is on Wednesday and Thursday this week, when a decision to raise interest rates by 0.25% could possibly be made. Any decision should be announced at midday on Thursday.
If I knew that I would be on a bookies site seeing what odds I could get for the correct prediction!

It would be a better money maker than the interest on my savings and investments at the moment.
This time next year it will be 2% higher. It will move in 0.25% jumps apart from one of 0.5% which will indicate that the B of E is serious.
Captain Spod - usually right, sometimes wrong, but always certain!

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When is the bank of England base rate likely to increase? And by what rate?

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