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Several Names On Deeds

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BIG DAD | 12:09 Fri 15th May 2015 | Personal Finance
2 Answers
Hi all, just looking for some information, i am thinking of buying my wifes nanas house, she said her nana and her 3 daughters are on the deeds, does this mean the money i pay for the house would be split between all 4 of them ?

Thanks in advance.


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if they are all named as owners, they would all get a share. I think that the land registry only names people who have an interest in the house and not how much each share consists of ie they may not be equal shares or might be a life interest or whatever. I don't think you have enough information to know, first step is to get a copy of the deeds from Land Registry and see what it says. There is also the issue of whether they are named as tenants in common or joint tenants
All four of them would have to agree to the sale.

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Several Names On Deeds

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