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Is it normal for baby to hiccup every time I eat?

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mountainboo | 11:08 Fri 25th Jan 2008 | Pregnancy
22 Answers
Morning all, hope your all well. Hope your feeling better now Psychick and Nat I hope the nasal congestion has eased.
Well, his hiccups are becoming alot stonger now, obviously I guess due to him growing, but I've noticed that he has the hiccups everytime I eat and even sometimes whilst I'm eating, is that normal?


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I hope so because I often get the same! lol Baby doesnt get hiccups everytime I eat, normally its just after eating my evening meal. Sometimes it happens after having a drink too, even if its just something like a cup of tea or hot chocolate. Just tell baby to stop being a piggy and wolfing the food down lol

And Im feeling much better today thank you :)
Morning ladies :-)

I can't tell if it is hiccups or not, but mine definitely has a wriggle pretty much every time I eat. Hubby says it must take after me if it gets excited at the prospect of food already. Charming!

I'm feeling better thanks MBoo, I have a day off today and now have the rest of the day to myself (well tilhe finishes work and we have to go hit tesco anyway).

Hope you have a good one :-)
yes, both of mine have hiccuped whenever ive eaten.

Its a funny feeling isnt it? lol
when i was pregnant with my last (3 yrs ago) she was constantly hiccupping through my last trimester (did i spell that right?)
i don't know if that was normal but she came two weeks early and was perfectly healthy.
all the best.
Sorry, going to steal your thread a moment mountainboo.....

red what does your little one make of all the movements? My daughter loves feeling her little sister moving around and was amazed when she got to feel a foot last night. Does little red understand enough yet being he is still little himself?
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Thats okay, you carry on psychick, I think he is going to be a little piggy if he takes after me, lol. Thanks everyone, feel a little relieved that most of you have experienced the same. Your right red, it is a funny feeling, I just want to rub his back when he does, to soothe the hiccups, so I rub my tummy instead and psychologicially I'm convinced it works lol!! He must find it irritating because he'll lay there hiccuping away for a few minutes and then he'll wriggle about abit, and do the same again.
I recently told my dad the baby had hiccups. He told me to go boo and make it jump!
little CRX hiccuped after every bottle when he was born too. And now he gets hiccups if he laughs too much lol. he then climbs on my lap and asks 'mummy, please will you get the hiccups out of my tummy?' so i have to pat his back.

psy, hes not got the patience to sit and feel the baby kicking yet. he knows theres a baby and knows what he wants and asks me every day if its big enough to come out and if ive finished making it. he fascinated by the fact that i made him in my tummy and asks if i made his ears / hands / fingers / tummy etc etc He just hasnt got the time to sit and watch it kick and punch like i have.
Awww bless him red. My daughter has started to ask more and more questions. The other day she was asking about the feeding, assuming baby would be eating normal food straight away. I explained that for the first 6 months, babies just have milk, luckily she lost interest before I had to explain breast feeding to her lol But Im going to have to explain within the next few weeks!
My first had hiccups all the time when i was pregnant, but my 2nd rarely did.
teaching her about breastfeeding will be a laugh Im sure lol

I only managed a week on and off with little CRX so he wont know a thing about it.
Talking of explaining pregnancies to little ones, my sis-in-law is 9weeks pregnant at the mo, and has a six year old daughter. During a conversation about strecth marks the other day my SIL said "If you think yours are bad, look at these (and lifted her top) - and I'm going in for a second time!". After explaining to my neice that her mummys belly stretched when she was in there six years ago, she thought that the strecth marks were caused by her trying to claw her way out from the inside! LOL
Sitting in the car the other night on the way home from Judo with my sons age 7 and 6 in the back of the car. My 7 year old pipes up, totally out of the blue, "Mum, I know how babies get into people's tummies, but how do they get out?" My 6 year pipes up - "the doctor cuts them out with a knife" I had 2 sections, so I explained that yes that's what happens sometimes, but gave an explanation of the other way they come out. I thought I did well and to be honest being in the car helps as you don't have to look them in the eye! Only to finish the conversation, no 1 son says "so can I see where they come out then?" After a long discussion about private places, we settled on him getting to see the scar!

Mr annie can do the judo run next week!
lol I love stories like that. My daughter had always thought you go in to hospital and the doctor gets baby out of your belly. Then one day she came home from school and informed me babies come out fo your bits! Her friend had told her lol Im now waiting for the question "how does it manage to get out?"
im not sure even we know the answer about how it gets out!
We do know red, we just dont want to think about it lol
ah yeah thats it! still, it doesnt seem possible does it lol

i wont even mention how babys come out to Little CRX, a few months ago i asked him just to see what a 2yr old thinks and he said

'they CUT it out with a KNIFE!' in a really scary voice and even did the action on my tummy! It unerved me as he wouldnt have a clue about it. I had to make sure he couldnt get anywhere near any knives in case he came for me lol
Whatever happened to the innocence of believing a stork brought the new babies? lol
LOL, Red, you'd better hope you don't have to rely on MrCRX and little CRX to do an emergency home delivery. I can just see MrCRX holding the towel bail and mopping your brow whilst little CRX arrives with his plastic knife and fork set!

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