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bleeding around the amniotic sack

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hollberry | 10:33 Thu 19th Jul 2007 | Body & Soul
3 Answers
Hi, my cousin has been trying for a baby for about ten years and has just managed to get pregnant through IVF
unfortunately she started bleeding at 5 weeks and was told she was still pregnant but had lost a twin. now she is 7 weeks along and is bleeding again or rather is still bleeding since she has been spotting almost the whole time but has now started to bleed heavily again, she went to the hospital and was told she was still pregnant but there is bleeding all around the amniotic sack. we can't find any information about this and we are desperate.
we would be very greatful for any information any one can give us. thanks in advance. :)


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try this, i really hope everything goes ok,
There won't be much on this as it's so rare. The Doctor may have ben using lay man's terms so maybe you could ask him/her what the medical name for the condition is? Rest assured that if the Doctor thought there was any risk to the baby or mother he/she would have done something and not just let your cousin leave hospital.
I suspect what the Doctor may have diagnosed is excessive bleeding of the cervix which can lead to the excess blood surrounding the amniotic sack.
The best person to offer any advice will be the IVF clinic and her consultant. It is quite common for a pregnancy to start as twins and result in loss of one foetus. This is usualy only spotted at very early scans (such as those with IVF) so does not appear to be as common as it is.
Many women experience bleeding at some point during the pregnancy, and a few have it al through the pregnancy with no affect to the baby.
Obviously no-one can advise on what it is, only the consulatnt can and even they may not know whats causing it. Its a case of wait and see what happens Im afraid. Any stomach pains combined with the bleeding and your cousin should go to hospital immediately

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