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Flat Abs

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iluvmydog | 13:24 Sat 03rd Feb 2007 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
What are the best exercises to do to achieve a "washboard Stomach" !!!


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I would say sit ups....but someone on here a few months ago said not....I cant remember what they said was better
riding is the best way to build up muscles particularly in your legs, abs and bum!!
Im gonna see if I can find a nice filly to ride tonight to test your theory
It's diet that plays more of a role in getting a washboard stomach rather than exercise alone.
Crunches will strengthen muscles, but unless you eat a 'clean' diet of protein (white meat and fish), steamed veg etc, the layer of fat will hide the muscles you have developed.
That's why you can spend hours in the gym lifting weights and not look like a bodybuilder-their bodies are a result of 70% diet, with the remaining 30% being exercise (plus good genetics).

Why not enrol at a gym and hire a Personal Trainer who can talk through ways to get this look you want?
a good work out on a bike , in my opinion, is as good as anything.
it works the back, stomach and legs..
not the best if your a female and want to keep your legs nice and slender..
VannaB, I totally agreed with your answer about diet playing the key role. Any fit person has a six-pack, it's just most are hidden by a healthy layer of fat. Anything under about 25 BMI is good enough. Most 6 packs are for people who are a little obsessed with their whole diet consisting of everything under 3 percent fat etc. Total nerds in other words. Genetics, do as stated, play a small role.

I have a very good friend who admittedly has a six pack. I am 3 years older and destroy him in near enough any cardio led sport (i.e running, cycling, swimming, climbing etc)

However, I disagree with gyms. uestion358379.html

If you read my last answer above. You do not need a gym. Nasty, nasty places with ill-advised and pointless instructors.
Start doing your washing on it!!!!! Lol

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