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Alternative To Anti-Psychotics

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Barquentine | 22:11 Sun 10th Dec 2023 | Body & Soul
5 Answers

Does anyone know if there is a non-chemical alternative to anti-psychotics. MiL's paranoid voices are suppressed by her drugs, but the side-effects are worse than the hallucinations. If we take her off the drugs, her pigeon-steps tend to go and alertness improves, but the imagined voices return. There must be some alternative way to suppress hallucinated audio without the chemical-cosh effect on her brain?



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22:16 Sun 10th Dec 2023

Have you talked to her psychiatrist in case there are any alternative medications, best to go down this route first before withdrawing current meds 

There are many different types of antipsychotics (although they broadly fall into two groups).  Some will work much better for Patient A than they will for Patient B.  So it might be worth pushing for a different antipsychotic to be tried:

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Thank you Buenchico - really excellent link. And thanks Rosetta. Contacting her "Community Psychiatric Nurse" is virtually impossible and he only occasionally appears at the date/time agreed. Contacting her consultant psychiatrist? Winning the Euromillions has a higher probability. Not criticism of either the CPN or the psychiatrist- this is the world we are stuck in now. There is no help out there. Hence my searches here and then checking websites where there may be some useful advice as to how we can work out for ourselves what the best course of psychiatric treatment might be. I remember the olden days when there was an NHS. Now it's DIY!

problem is: they work

largactil emptied the psy hospitals 1960-5

I wd say ( a pill for evey ill) that if there were any, they wdnt have bohered to look for antipsychotics in the fifties

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