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Anyone Tried Tens?

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lynbrown | 16:53 Tue 08th Feb 2022 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
i have restless leg syndrome which drives me mad in the evenings. Anyone any cures or would TENS be any help? TIA


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I tried TENS when I had Shingles , it gave some light relief but that’s all
The author of this article uses their TENS machine primarily to treat the symptoms of MS but states that it's also of value to her in coping with RLS:
Tried it a couple of times of aches/pains. Was unimpressed.
I'm with OG on this one - tried it several times but no real success. I would think you have to use it every day for a long time to get any benefits. Maybe someone else on here has had success, you never know !! By the way - forgot to mention that my wife used to suffer from RLS and was advised by our GP to try some Iron tablets - she's been taking them for several years now and the RLS has disappeared. Hope this helps.
Didn't do anything for me either.
Tens machines are cheap to buy. Give it a go and see

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