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HFJL2020 | 19:20 Sat 09th Jan 2021 | Body & Soul
11 Answers
i wonder h ow safe is incognito


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is it a medicine? an invisibility cloak?
You've got me lost again, Henry!

I suppose that you might possibly be referring to incognito mode is a web browser, which doesn't greatly make your browsing activity either safer or less safe ( ) but you've posted in 'Body & Soul', which suggests that you're probably referring to something completely different!

More info, please!
Henry favours B&S for most of his queries Buen.
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mr b i go incognito when i go to my online banking
thats whyi ask is it safe thank u
I think it just means if anyone goes on your laptop they wont know what sites you visited while incogneto
For online banking never tick 'remember me' or anything like that, always go in using all the security measure/passwords etc every single time.
Online banking is perfectly safe, full stop!

The only exception to that might be if you were using a phone or laptop connected to a public wi-fi system (such as that in many supermarkets, pubs, coffee shops, etc), where there's a theoretical risk of your data being intercepted. When you're connecting to the internet via your home router, there's no risk whatsoever.
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ta u all for brill info as usual
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