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help with costochondritis please

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sanlou26 | 00:41 Sun 27th Nov 2005 | Body & Soul
6 Answers

Hi everyone,

I have had this problem for over a year and the pain is unbelievable. I regularly take brufen and paracetomal on a daily basis and to be fair it does help to a degree.

The pain gets worse on movement, and radiates from the front of my rib cage around the left side of my chest, too my back. I always have a continuous ache and at worst (last night searing pain in my back and found it very difficult to move). I took pain killers and went to bed where the pain eventually receeded a bit.

Does anyone know of any alternative therapies that may help? or anyone who has this complaint any suggestions that they find helpful. thanks in advance for any help, Sandra



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Hi Sandra,I'm sorry,I don't know any alternative therapies,but I remembered that name,from when my sister suffered from it. As far as I know,she got help from her G.P..but I could check tomorrow if you want?
Hi sanlou, my son has just been diagnosed with mild scoliosis. He went to an osteopath and he "clicked" him into place, so to speak,he had been in a lot of pain, he said it helped a lot with the "dull ache" he described to me,as well as "shooting pains" try it ,- i hope it works for you (if you try it.)
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Thanks to you both for your advice. I have seen my doctor about it but they just prescribe pain killers and tell me to rest. It's a bit difficult when your a nurse. lindapinda if your sister could remeber anything the doctor suggested to her, it would be great.

PatriciaH i'm willing to try anything at the moment so I will book an appointment with an osteopath and see if they can help. I had heard that acupuncture may help so might give that a go too.

Thank you both very much, Sandra

I'll talk to her tomorrow Sandra.
Right Sandra,phoned my sister this evening,but I'm afraid I haven't really got anything helpful for you. The doctor told her that as the condition is a virus,oher than painlkillers rest and time,there is little else to be done. My sister was actually off work for 4 weeks at that time,and she remembered that at times she could barely move,with the tiredness and pain. Our local minister saw her trying to walk along the road one day,and thought she looked like an old lady!...he stopped and offered her a lift,and she took it.even though she was close to her house. She said that originally she thought she had angina,and was relieved when she knew that it was something awful but not life threatening..Sorry I can't give you anything more!! Hope things improve soon.
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Hi lindapinda,

Thanks for contacting your sister. Fingers crossed that things improve soon. Sandra

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