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Sunburn Pain

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tinkerbell23 | 18:47 Tue 26th Jun 2018 | Body & Soul
9 Answers
I stupidly got burned at the beach!!!!!!!

Its the usual sunburn pain however I am getting electric shocks on my back and its really really painfull what the F is it!?? Xx


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It's your body complaining at being burnt, get slathered with aftersun or Calamine.
This might give you some information but it is based upon people's experiences :-

Perhaps you should seek professional medical advice and not take too long to do that?
If I was you, I would take a NSAID
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Ive taken NSAID & Calamine!! Its the random zings that hurt!

It obviously hurts when lying on it! :0(
Probably nothing you can do about it then. When I used to be slathered with calamine as a child, I found it made me feel worse because it dried up the skin and every time I moved, my parched skin felt worse.
Ideally, something like Cool Gel would work. We use that for burns. Most of us don't tend to have it in our bathroom cabinets unfortunately. Hope you feel better soon
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Im just praying that it goes away quietly!!

Thanks for the advice! I read that link... hope i dont go the same way!!
Hope it does , and please don't do it again x
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Not EVER Mamya!! I was so stupid- beach at home didnt realize sun was as strong and it was windy!! God i am suffering its so painfull without the zings!!

After googling im quite scared to touch it with anything!! X

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