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Travellers Tummy

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mayennaise | 20:20 Wed 11th Nov 2015 | Health & Fitness
8 Answers
Recently been abroad and developed the above on return. All sorted out now but I'm left with really painful bloating and wind almost all the time! Any ideas pse ??


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I am going to assume that the above diagnosis was made by a medical professional.

I would take Buscopan for a period of 3 days and if it hasn't improved after that time, then see you GP.
Yes this is a very common outcome after travellers tummy. all the good bacteria in your intestine have been put out of action, which causes irritable bowel symptoms of bloating and wind, which is awful. plain bio yoghurt can be helpful to help repopulate your gut with good bacteria, but the biotics from a herbal shop will probably be more effective. as far as wind is concerned, charcoal tablets can help to absorb some of it and its noxious side effects! try to avoid dairy products, other than the yoghurt as they tend to make it worse. milk is especially problematic after this kind of thing. i have irritable bowel anyway, and try to use these measures when i have an attack, wheat also affects me quite badly, so avoiding this for a while might help. it will settle down eventually. incidentally did you take any antibiotics during the attack?
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UK pharmacy diagnosis - no antibiotics just Imodium taken - twice.
Will try Buscopan - thanks Sqad
buscopan is very useful to help with any cramps you may have, and allow the gut to contract and relax in a smooth fashion. mebeverine is good for the same thing, although unsure if you can get this off prescription.they wont help to repopulate your gut with the good bacteria that make it function as it should. if it doesnt settle down though, i should pay your gp a visit. some of these travellers tummy problems can be caused by bacteria (bad ones) , and for that you would need an specified antibiotic. these bacterial ones can go on for a long time untreated, although it is more usual for them to be viral, norovirus most commonly.
Just as an aside, immodium are useful +++ to stop diarrhoea if you are travelling and need not to 'go', but they can slow your gut down dreadfully and prevent whatever is causing the problem from getting through to the other side. this is something else which can prolong the problem although i accept sometimes there is absolutely no choice. i had this in Brazil several years ago and had to take immodium too, as we were on the road for a few hours. the people we were with (brazilians) wanted to force feed me coconut milk which they use themselves for this sort of problem. its vile but i must admit it did help, although like you, differed the same kind of after effects for some weeks afterwards.
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I've finally returned to normal - well the bloating and wind has subsided - with the help of a probiotic drink and believe it or not, gripe water!! Still waiting to return to a 'regular' habit though !!
Gripe water is a very useful thing, I swear by it - glad you're better.
Thanks for the update.

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