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Insomnia Cure Anyone?

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cassa333 | 05:37 Mon 28th Apr 2014 | Body & Soul
19 Answers
Anyone have a 'cure' or at least something that works occationaly for insmnia?

I sleep solidly about only two nights a week nd eventhat is disturbed by at least two trips to the loo. The others are spent either not sleeping at all or taking 3 or 4 hrs to drop off.

For me sleep is more about exhaustion rather than drifting off to the land of nodd :(


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12 pints of lager works for me. ;)
If you find an answer cassa, please share it with me.
Lavender oil has always helped me, just some in a small dish by the bed !
It has been said that sticking to a routine works quite well. Have a nice long soak in the bath, a milky drink and a book.

Have you tried Nytol?
PLEASE, whatever you do do not be tempted to take "supplement" or similar tablets or other, especially nothing containing tryptofan. This stuff is implicated in some very serious (side)effects, sometimes leading to death but always life changing. It was banned some years back (after undisclosed settlement to "gagged" sufferers) but re-licensed even though the problem is again cropping up, just in much lower numbers - doctors are hesitating to diagnose EMS but there is evidence it is still occurring.
what do you do before you go to bed? I find I sleep more poorly if I've been on the computer or my phone in the hour before I go to bed.
Boxy....I've read that all equipment should be turned off. TV, phones, computers...all stimulants an hour before you wish to retire for the evening. Have a bath, milky drink, read a book.
And avoid caffeine from the afternoon onwards. Surprising what a difference that can make.
tryptophan is in natural foods, milk and dairy are two. If you can get it, you might try melatonin, also google "sleep hygiene" for other ideas.
Since i have been listening to my story tapes at bedtime, I find I sometimes drift off so quickly. i am so engrossed listening, that hey, I'm gone!
it works for me. I've also started reading a good book sometimes, even for 10 mins, then turn on the tapes, and i am in the land of nod.
But ...there are times I can be very restless. cant switch off at all.
A bedside "noise machine" (otherwise known as a tinnitus relaxer) that makes the noise of rain falling, waves, spring water flowing etc. can be surprisingly soporific.
drinking less in the evening might reduce the loo trips, as may water tablets from your GP
Melatonin does it for me, not every night, only when I need it. Doesn't leave any hangover the next morning either.
There is some good advice here...

I've been taking magnesium in dispersable form for a while,and I sleep like a log
If i had a clock ticking in my bedroom, I would never ever get to sleep, but a radio on very quiet does help me relax. Dont like total quietness.
There was a tv programme about this fairly recently, with Kate silverton. Some things, which are actually really obvious when you think about it, really made a difference to a number of people.
Don't go to bed unless you're really tired...sounds silly but often people look at the clock and think its time for bed even if they're not tired.
Get up at the same time every morning, don't lie in even at weekends and even if you're tired because youve had a bad night.
If you dont drop off to sleep fairly quickly, don't lie there worrying about it, get up and read a book for ten minutes in another room. Then go back to bed.
Have a warm bath just before bed. It's not the warmth which makes you tired but as your body cools down afterwards it gets tired.
Keep your bedroom cool and airy.

I've often had periods of time where I wake up at night and just can't get back to sleep. It got worse last year as I was pregnant and needed 3 or 4 trips to the loo, I would really struggle to drop back off again. Then when baby was born I would get up for night feeds and suffer the same problem. Now I download podcasts and listen to them using headphones. I can normally only get through about 10 mins now before falling asleep. Although it took a while to get used to it works an absolute treat for me.
Exercise can be very effective.
Avoid using the computer before going to bed.

Don't discount the intelligent use of Temazipam. It can break a viscious cycle where not being able to sleep becomes a pattern.
In the newspaper yesterday it talked about cherry juice, sounds very plausible . ( Daily Telegraph) good luck.

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