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pompei595 | 14:57 Mon 11th Feb 2008 | Health & Fitness
8 Answers
My 14 month old son has eczema on this face, wrists, knees and ankles.
We've tried creams and ointments, both over-the-counter and prescribed, to little avail. Has anyone had any experience of this, and any ideas of treatments, either medicinal or natural?


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Try cutting dairy produce out of his diet - substitute soya milk and spread.

Cut down sugar consuption as far as possible.

Add an emolient such as Balnium to his bath - check with your GP first.

Smear vasaline or pterolium jelly on the affected areas, and bandage his hands if he is scratching.

Do check with your GP to ensure that this is not a symptom of an underlying condition.

Be patient, most little ones grow out of this condition.
My youngest had it from the age of three months. It eased a little after I started taking him swimming, strangely enough, and eased even more when I stopped giving him formula milk and let him drink cows' milk.

Aloe Vera cream was recommended, but it actually made the condition far worse.

The doctor also advised me to allow - even encourage - my son to pee in the bath. Clean urine is, apparently, good for the skin (hence rookey soldiers were advised to pee on their feet in order to toughen them up for marching).

There is a cream on the market, Eucerin, that we found especially effective. One of its active ingredients is bovine urea (in other words, cow pee). You can get it from boots.
My son used to get it on the backs of his knees. I bought some Hemp Oil (yes, you read it right!) from The Body Shop and massaged it in a couple of times a day - worked a treat!!
poor little mite. the thing i have found gives me INSTANT relief to that stinging, tight, itchy soreness is to rub on aloe vera juice straight from the plant. its mainly my fingers that suffer, sometimes i cant close them into a fist. i take a couple of inch long cutting and split it length ways rubbing the gooey bit on my fingers. it gives me instant relief but needs to be re-applied regularly. i have been known to sellotape the leaf to my finger in desparation! you might need a big plant!
just spotted someone elses post about an aloe vera cream that made things worse, so i guess my further advice has to be to test on a small area first.
The only thing that works for me when i have an outbreak is 1% hydrocortisone cream, but if you have already tried this, try it again in conjunction with a zinc tablet, one a day and see if this works
My Daughter had it from 3 months, shes 2 and a half now and its more or less gone.
we had to soak her everynight in epidurm a really thick greasy emoilant and we bathed her in aveno bath oil.
When it got so bad that her skin use to crack and bleed the doctors use to give us Fucibet and boy did it clear it up.

wether they should of given it to me for such a young child i dont know but it really did work. some doctors rarley prescribe it to adults. and although it works 100% it also thins the skin and you have to be very careful how much you use in 1 go.

If your son has it like my daughter did and it gets infected ask your Doc for Fucibet. just be careful as its extremley strong.

hope this helps
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We've just got home today from a week in Portugal - his face cleared up after about 2 days there, and within 12 hours of being back in the UK it had started again ...

Process of elimination now ... we used bottled water, but bathed him in tap water using his usual baby bubble bath. We used the same formula milk as at home, but he also drank shop-bought cows milk, and he also ate the same jars of food. The weather was poor, so he didn't have much more fresh air than at home. We are still stumped!

Thanks to all for your replies.

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