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8 year old hormones

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sunflower68 | 08:48 Thu 17th Jan 2008 | Body & Soul
12 Answers
Goodness, my 8 and a bit-year-old needs deodorant!
Does this mean she could start her periods a bit early???


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My 8-yr old niece is going through the same at the moment and has been told that she will start soon, its a bit shocking!
It could do! I read an article recently about how the age that children are going through puberty at is dropping, one girl started going through it at age 3!
The average age for starting periods has now apparently dropped to 10!
Personally I don't think it has anything to do with periods. I think it may be her body changing, but not in that way. I never noticed that I sweated until I was in my 30's and by then I had a child of my own.

My daughter started hers at 9/10ish but I didn't notice any change in that side of things.

Just keep an eye to her and have something in the house just in case.
Yes, it is all to do with periods and puberty. She certainly starting puberty - body odour is one of the first signs.
That feels quite sad to me - all she should be caring about is playing with dolls and enjoying her childhood. I started mine at 12 just as I was starting high school - that kind of felt the right time - i don't know how i would have coped at primary school.
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I know annie, it is kind of sad if she is so young. There is nothing I can do but be there for her I guess
Hi sunflower, I have boys rather than girls, my eldest is 7 and a half and is a bright boy, but I am sure that at his age (if he was a girl!) he would have no comprehension of why his body was changing no matter how much i explained it to him. At eight, he won't be even walking to school on his own never mind dealing with the ability to procreate!

A colleague was saying that her daughter who will be 9 in February was complaining of cramps and she wondered if that was the start of puberty and we all said no way, but looks like she could be right.
My daughter has just turned 9 and has started getting a bit of BO in the last couple of months. She is very petite so I stupidly assumed it would be ages yet. She has the moods of a teenager most of the time, so god help us when she does really hit puberty!!
my daughter started getting a bit pong whiffey around this age and i thought like you ,,, here we go

however she was nearly 12 before she had her first period although she was 5'7" and 9 stone and 34b boobs.

puberty can take years before the peiods start - normally the screaming back at you and sobbing for no reason is more of a sign that her periods are about to start

the joy of kids eh.!
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aww thanks bailey and thanks all for the info....just a thought tho, she has been screaming at me since the minute she got in the lil minx.
My daughter has had monthly mood swings and strong BO which lasts for about 5 days each month since she was 4-5 yrs old. I have contacted doctors and specialists as I was concerned she was going into precocious puberty and they are keeping an eye on her. She is now 8 almost 9 now and she has developed a little underarm hair too - I have explained in extremely simply terms with very little detail about periods just in case it happens so that she is not shocked or scared. She is now excited at becoming a young lady, but I don't think she has to grow up just yet either, in fact we went out at the weekend and she bought a new doll with her Christmas money.
My daughter turned 8 years in Feb this year and, rather worryingly, has already started to grow hair under her arms! It seems so young and I'm hoping this doesn't mean she will start her periods soon. She has always had really hairy legs and I always wondered if this was a sign that she was going to develop early.

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8 year old hormones

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