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Fitness Video - any recommendations???

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rach912 | 21:31 Wed 05th Apr 2006 | Body & Soul
11 Answers
I want to buy a fitness video to help in my plan to be fit for the summer! I bought a Nel McAndrew one a couple of years ago and it is really too ambitious for a beginner so I am looking for something effective yet not to complicated. There are so many out there so has anyone got any suggestions? I think the Davina one looks good, any thoughts?


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Might sound daft but I bought the Anne Diamond video from around 2000 (obviouslyNOT the one she's following at the mo!!) Good general workout a great incentive - if Anne Diamond can do it - SO CAN I!! Seriously though - it was a good one for ME to start with as I did no exercise at all and smoked too much.
my sister has been doing the Davina one since Christmas. Sister is looking and feeling fab - whats more is still enjoying it over 3 months down the line. There are 3 different workouts. one she is not so keen on but can suit herself so that is good. Am amazed she is still doing it as normally give up. Have also read good right ups. She feels davina is a bit annoying but you can block her voice out or something on the DVD if you dont like it.
I have the Angela Griffin dance one - in fact was trying it out this morning. Great fun and not too complicated. Good for those who just want to have some aerobic fun, lose some weight and feel good. I think exercising to music is great.
Unfortunately, I would have to block Davina out completely. I just can't stand her! :o)
charlie brooks one is fantastic....i lost 2 stone doing it....i swear by it!!
davina is good...couldn't walk for 3 days after doing it
My wife has been doing the Charlie Brooks one for 6 weeks and has lost a stone.

Is it very strenuous Philtaz. I ask because I have arthritis but refuse to give in to it. Probably I need 'Armchair Aerobics for the Elderly', but I love exercising to music which is why the Angela Griffin one suits me well.

I have lost a stone in about 7/8 weeks through just eating sensibly but now have to add in the exercise bit to keep going down in weight.

colleen mcgloughlin great great great relly works

Not overly so, gessoo. LIke any other fitness video's you get out what you put in but it doesn't seem to be as 'high-impact' on the joints as one might expect.

Thanks Philtaz. I might just get it. I usually manage to do most of the aerobic stuff but obviously can't do any of the jumping! I don't ever attempt anything involving lifting or weight bearing!!

Went for a three mile walk yesterday. Find walking one of the best things out!

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