Thank you to all the people who gave me help regarding Mr Bumble's costume for our school production of Oliver. (See 526696.html )
A very dear lady who is the Grandma of one of our Reception children made a wonderful costume from an old blue dressing gown and a bit of gold braid! This was a true act of kindness, as she had no children in the production - if only there were more like her!
And just to report back, we had a dress rehearsal on Monday and the real performance on Wednesday - truly wonderful! Everyone involved was on such a high, especially the teacher who co-ordinated it - thank God for people like her, I say.
In A Pickle, I love to hear your stories - I've been reading your insights into Wilfred Brambell as well, I reckon I could talk to you for hours!
Well, watch this space next year, when I'm begging for advice for the next show - yes, I've already volunteered to be Wardrobe Manager again!!!