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more than a detail

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DaSwede | 02:26 Thu 28th Feb 2008 | Arts & Literature
505 Answers
What's the conventional term used to say "I've cropped the image of this painting, but only slightly"?

Here's an example:

1) The Mona Lisa

2) The Mona Lisa (detail)

3) ...but how do I describe this kind of cut?

I can think of ways to say it, but my question is What would be the conventional term used in the art world. How would they phrase it in a catalogue from an exhibition.



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(Let's just say there are Swedes and there are Swedes, Woofy...)

Dawgs, so here are a couple of- ...dawgs:

enzo - my eldest sister's and brother's-in-law dog, who has a lot of bordercollie in him but also probably some norwegian shepherding breed; the picture is from their allotment garden

said dog in sun lounge sofa

tug o' war in the the conservatory - the staffy, nikita (a bitch) belongs to my nephew (that's probably his knee right there)

some flowers - each and every one of you know better than I do what they are

their cat - as my b-i-l is allergic to real live ones

buddha in tiger world at the zoo in the town where my nephew lives

Ooh I say what lovely pics Kit .The dawgs are smashing .Shaney used to lay about like that showing off his particulars !
What a grey day .Piddling down ..again .The sun must be shining somewhere out there in the universe surely .Can anyone point me in it's direction ...please ..before I go into a deep depression !
The good news is ..I have a family of great tits in the garden .Well.I think that's what they are .They are green with a black cap and black bit on the breast .Anybody ?
I've been dodging around with the camera but they are so quick ,I can't catch them . Perhaps when Picky turns up he may be able to get them with his zoooooooom lens !
Otherwise nothing much to report from Shaneytowers .Same old , but on different days .
Hope you are all well and thanks for the link Woofy
apprently we had a small flock of green parrots the other day, Shaney - I was asleep, but I was told about them later. Three or four of them. They haven't been seen since. Perhaps they were just having a little rest on their way to the Amazon, as you do.
Its sizzling HOT ere..!yo
magic pics miss sweden.
ive gotta get a cold drink>>>>(:O)
Question Author
So essentially what you're saying, Shaney, is... ;-)

Sizzling hot ere too mister devon, in fact so hot that our web cameras have thawed and the pictures are actually moving, he he he he he! (Yours wasn't.)

Must get out of this sweltering dump now, they have a pomegranate juice at my deli which will save my life today I am sure. You're supposed to dilute it with water but I love it just the way it is.
...(((whoosh))))tis now yo (:O)
Cheeky lot !
Be careful I don't move to Wooly or Sveeden in search of the sunshine. It has persisted down her all bl==dy day .It's cold ,damp , dismal and depressing .......and ..I have run out of Gin .
Haha ... I've just read the bit on the webcam where they say ....You can share the sunrise with us......the problem is ..there is no sun ,it doesn't rise, and I shall be writing to my MP about it .
Disgruntled of Gorleston ........
Thats what them budget marqees are for keep you dry...hehe..!>>>whoosh>>>(:O)
Well,bu66er me old boots..!
there be more life in a dead kipper...pardon me little pun.
Ill catch you dudes tomorrow..and dont be late....oh arrr..the Footy kicks of tomorrow.miss derby will be throwing a strop or two...hahaha...right im hitting the sack,its an early one tomorrow.....nighty night biddys....mind the fleas dont bite...
later...................Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz he dreams off all them ice cold becks tomorrow evening.....booger...forgot to put the cat out and bring the milk bottles in....(:O)
my, the wind does whistle through here, doesn't it... well, I am going to a barbie in Essex somewhere tomorrow, I mean today, so am crossing my fingers not to get Norfolk weather, but I'm not confident.
im tired,there should be a law against getting up before 6 am.Oh fer goodness not getting more sun again...its not fare...why cant i have me share of rain like the rest of em..ey..!
(((Bong Bing.))).!!!!! biddies to the reception desk....ive just spotted on me burnt toast an image of Homer from the simpsons...oh bu66er hungry...crunch crunch....does anybody like are having a greek week and you get a massive 400 grams fer only �1. 60....its scrumptious ! me thinks im talking to meself ere....
catch yer later lazy boogers....hehe..(:O)
play loud >>>who0sh>>>
First of all ,my condolences on the sad loss of your very dear friend Shaney.
Well you are certainly are having a mixed bag for Summer- it's to be hoped no-one has cast a clout to soon ! I keep a cardi handy no matter what the Season . Winter here which is usually dry (in Brisbane) and believe it or not we received some very welcome rain last week -quite a few flooded areas -then it petered out and back to sunshine but we may ge t some more this coming week -Fingers crossed !
You all seem to have been very busy since I last wrote which is good news . Has anyone been to see SEX IN THE CITY yet ? The movie I mean , saw it last week and had a good laugh (never seen it on the TV though))we go to the movies once a week on a Thursday Morning and meet up with other oldies we've known for years and everyone talks about their aches and pains before going in the Cinema !!
Time for a cuppa now so till next time -love to you all Dolly xx
oh, is that what it's called, Dolly, I thought it was Sacks and the City, something to do with corporate downsizing. But I never saw it on the telly either. Sounds like the worst of winter is over for you, then...
morning all, its a lovely day here and I am spending it doing some solid lolling for a change. We were out with the boys at 6 am this morning, Dh is out on his motorbike so peace reigns...
Cute dogs, Kit, you can tell that's a dog friendly house can't you?
Wow jno, parrots on the way to amazon, I didn't even know they could read.....
anyway....going for a nice scented bath....catch you later
morning wonderwebs....what a grey day here...(shuttit sunny people)
I've looked for a cam for Derby but all I could find was one watching flies around a wheelie bin or grass growing...didn't think you'd cope with the excitement.
And any footy talk Vincent & you'll only have halv-a sommat!!

hi there Dolly, hope you're well. I've never watched S-I-T-C on the tele either, have you dug your stilettos out again now? You'll only get stuck in the mud

oh, lovely birdies they are shaney, we've a lot around here...I had a little family of coal tits going potty right outside the window the other day, they're so cute. And yesterday the greenfinches were taking Charlie's fur clippings, it's hilarious watching them shake it about & zoom off with white trailing 'beards'.

tut...these foreigners want a precise word for everything....sun lounge? hahahaha....where I'm from no one under 70 would say that ...<ducks>....The only place I knew with a sun lounge when I was small was in Skeggy where ironically it rains a lot. Lovely pics tho' Kit....I 'spect you want a precise description of the flowers? It's pink blossom....well who do think I am, ET?!

mmm, as a way of making amends for the child scaring incident it looks like Sweedie's offered to go down the library & entertain the local ankle-snappers

oh crikey.....
Morning all..I think it's morning considering it's as dull as ditchwater and yep's still raining .It's supposed to brighten up tomorrow but I 'm not holding my breath.
Nice to see you Dolly and thanks for your kind thoughts .
Never seen Sex and the City even on TV .
I think they probably have Sex in a Pacamac round here whilst holding onto an umbrella .
Anyway......... Have a nice weekend everyone whatever the weather .

Good morning eveyone - what a lovely day at last, I even had toput a blanket back on the bed, but think summer is now here. Have a free afternoon without having to visit or entertain anyone - bliss.

shaney I've taken you at your word and ordered "Sparrars can't sing" and have received it today so will watch that when Mr N watches footy. aAny more recommendations?

Hopefully will be having coffee with marmoset this time next week. She is always away on cruises or holidaying somewhere at this time of year so won't be on here for a while. Mr N has cleaned the pool but will fill it tomorra (!), looking forward to that.

I watched "Gone Baby Gone" yesterday and although the swearing was horrible it was quite a good film, it was the one they held up showing because of Maddie. The ending just shows how sometimes right is wrong.
whoosh (:O)

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