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New section requirement

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hammerman | 13:10 Wed 27th Sep 2006 | Site Suggestions
5 Answers
Can we have a new section called "why was my question banned" to stop the tw@ts posting this in B&S


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get you hammer !

i do like the idea of a new section ! LOL
Well well well......who piddled in your cornflakes this morning then hammerman eh? ;-)
I know half the time its 'where has my question gone, it was here a minute ago and now its gone' if they just went to their profile and found the question they would find its just moved because has nothing whatsoever to do with Body or Soul
We could have, but they wouldn't use it would they? They'd go. "I know there's a proper topic for this, but I'm posting my Q about my Q being banned in B&S instead cos thats where all the eejits post cr4p and it's great to see serious questions being pushed onto the second page"
I must admit I asked this when I first used this site... isn't it usually new greenies that ask?

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