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M&S Hurricane Lamp

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Robinia | 10:17 Tue 22nd Nov 2005 | Site Suggestions
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Has anyone bought one of these ?
Could you please tell me the size of it? I don't know why they don't state it! I have mailed M&S but they haven't replied yet.

Or has anyone seen the same thing elsewhere? Thanks!



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Huuuhhhh?? I'M in the land of no speaky teeny talk!!!
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& I'm in the land of the confuzzled....I'm most definitely jizz flakes....!!

spent half the bloomin mornin to sort out my delivery that never arrived....this bloomin' tinternet shopping's only as good as the *bleeping* couriers who deliver the goods ...or not in my case....ggrrrrr....
queued in the building society, queued in the newsagent, nearly got blown off me skateboard....& all that after 2 hrs sleep last night....(algias,itis, & syndromes giving me hell)

apart from that everything's just smashtacular & I'm off to bosh somebody/something.....

ttfn, Grimmer....& getting Grimmer.....

Ah poor Robinia I forgot how you have to queue for everything in England - here there's rarely more than one person in front, if ever there's two or more I tut tut very loudly, it doesn't improve matters but it makes me feel better.
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in my Grimminia voice
I don't belieeeeeeve it....!!

after re-ordering some of the missing items the whole damn lot has now by this time tomorrow I could have a stall on my drive to flog the lot at twice it's price....hehe.....well, it'll save 'em going to town.

lol neti I did a lot of sighing & fidgeting in the building soc. There was just one desk open & some man was sorting out the world's economy....
how does tinternet shopping work on Ibiza then? does a little wizzened woman on a donkey bring your deliveries once a fortnight? or do they drop them on a parachute as the plane goes over?

very porn, Robinia
Robinia the only time I have ever bought anything off the internet, >B>Pickle got it for me and posted it, regrettably I do not trust the internet with my credit card. I did order a blouse from a Spanish catalogue last week and today whilst at coffee I received a phone call from the carriers and had to rush to a meeting point to collect it as the council still haven't given me an address. The Post goes to the old address which doesn't exist anymore and the post woman knows that it is me, and delivers it eventually.
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well, I hope it was a suitably flowered one that buttons up to the neck is Pickle do you know? I'd say I haven't seen much of him on here but he wouldn't have seen me lately either.....I just seem to go round in our revolving door & never get out there <<<<

not even to spread jno's words of hollage...

Jaysus, jno, eight courses! The company you keep! I always knew you were completely decadent. Are you sure your host (mr Creosote?) doesn't also keep a cardiologist on call underneath that kitchen floor...? But then again, I suppose that "perhaps just one more tiny tiny wafer" wouldn't do any harm...

By the way, we have our first Swede in space - Christer Fuglesang aboard the Discovery - and last night he took the longest walk anyone has in space so far, to do some repair work on the ISS (the space station.) Well guess what, the guy went for the wrong bolt. When asked what had happened, he said he had been blinded by some "peculiar lights" emanating from the southwest coast of England. Oh well. After fourteen years of training for this moment.

On a completely unrelated topic, is this your house, Vinny?

If any of you want to have a look at the incident (that I've described in an almost truthful manner), go to

and scroll down to the third item below the picture of princess Di. Look for the name Fuglesang in the headline. You will see three small, orange boxes marked TV. Click the one on top, "Fuglesangs promenad slog rekord". It starts with a 13 second presentation from the news announcer - and the next thing you know you're in orbit!

Back a little later tonight! Robinia, have a space meditation and chill! ('Chill' wasn't on jno's list, it must be outdated.)
Today is Lucia in Sweden, St. Lucy's day. That's the 'exotic' tradition I was saving up, remember. Here's this year's Lucia of Stockholm being crowned by Ernst Billgren, one of our most renowned painters/sculptors.

If you want to know more about the Lucia tradition, try this Wikipedia article. And if you want to see Lucia's ripped out eyes, try this one (have no fear, it isn't gross.)

The Nobel Prize winners are always awakened at their hotels by a Lucia procession, and I do believe 'exotic' is the word they use to describe it, or 'dreamlike, unreal.' I wanted to find a video clip for you with a Lucia procession singing the Italian song, but there haven't been so many posted yet, no good ones, so I'll get back on that.

Jude expressed a kind hope the other night that I was looking forward to Christmas, but I sorta dodged the issue, for to tell you the truth I'm not. I'm moving back to my place after having been evacuated for a long time due to don't-know-the-noun, but you know: when they change all the plumbing. And in this case also electricity, et cetera. In itself that is good, of course, but it also means I'll be spending Christmas and New Year packing and alone instead of going away to see some friends, which I would otherwise have done. Healthwise I've seen better days, so it's a great strain. Shaney, are you done packing at your brother's...?
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take 2 ....grrrrr....just lost a very long post!!

hi Kit .......mmmm, not sure about seeing Vinny's lights being visible from space...
his efforts last year

poor you, having the upheaval of vacating your home....I think re-plumbed & re-wired would describe it but I'll bet you've used words not on jno's list! Hope it's all in working order.

I've spent christmases past part-solo, usually due to our famous tradition....the flu! Can't say it bothers me that much....I try very hard to 'get in the spirit' but underneath I'm not really happy about it. Always seems an anticlimax & as you say if you're feeling physically low it all gets too much. Maybe I'll feel cheerier next week, we're supposed to be having some brighter settled weather which might help the old aches.
Ha ha ha, Robinia, that made my day! (Sorry, Vinny, not so much you falling off a roof... I just needed a laugh. Hell, I would have settled for anyone falling off a roof...!) Thanks Robinia, you're such a good hostess and you always seem to 'see' everyone. Anyways: Stiff upper lip and all that sort of thing.

Sorry about the link in my first post, in case any of you would actually want to watch the space walk. I didn't stop to think that it's a news page, so the items are constantly being changed and moved up and down. Right now Fuglesang is on top.

Bye now, see you soon!
Eveninag All Hope you are all well as can be expected. I have had my first day back at work after 6 weeks off. It went down very well and I had a laugh buuuut when I got home I couldn't lgnite my gas fire so had to send for my Gasman who I see at the quiz. He came and informed me that it would be dangerous to use it and I have to wait for a new part. He put it out of commission and left me with a little heater to use. So I am now a bit fed up and hope it is done before next Tuesday as my son is coming up to see me from Devon for the night. Tomorrow is my early start so I can see myself going to bed early even if it is just to keep warm. Have to go back into the room now as it isn't warm enough to sit in the kitchen. Hope you all have a good night and will probably see you tomorrow. Bye for now. From fed up Jude x
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what?! jno you're telling me he didn't die until the year 2000? .... & I was told he'd died in the 1950's....tut!

hi Jude sorry you're feeling the chill I'll throw you some hotties over but in these gales (again!) they'll probably land on what remains of shaney's roof.

sorry I vanished Kit...the phone rang & my arm went into spasm & I couldn't put it down again for an hour lol....I read about your Lucia Day & it's sounds very atmospheric but I hope none of the biddies try that at home....with all of these Twink home perms & heavy duty lacquers I think there could be one blinding flash of light & it would be Lucia in space!

oh no, it looks like Vinny's lit his favourite scented candle again to celebrate whiff
better be careful with lighting things (this comes courtesy of pixi...)
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good morning - well, just.....

ok you boozy biddies, can anyone recommend any good wines please? (red, white & rose) I just stand & stare & it's all foreign to me..... seems awfully cheap some of it, do you really get what you pay for? or are the cheaper ones just as good?

Robinia there is a lot of snobbishness about wines, I have no truck with it - if you like a cheap wine ( I love Liebfraumilch - can't get it here) then drink it, if you genuinely like a posh number then drink that - go with your palate girl!!!
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thanks neti but it's not my palette I'm buying for, sweet & white for me every time, it's for others - to put in their stockings....I want them to think I'm an expert hehe....

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