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Butterfly help needed

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hau kola | 19:39 Sun 28th Nov 2010 | Animals & Nature
6 Answers
Hi all,
I found a beautiful butterfly in my spare bedroom today and i'm not sure what to do with it.Should i release it outside? If so, when its dark or in the day?
Should it be hibernating?


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I would leave it, hau kola, it'll be looking to hibernate. If you put it outside, it'll freeze. IMO.
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Trouble is boxtops, i've got 3 cats so it won't survive in the house.
Ah, I know that feeling, my three have been guarding Something which they stuffed under the kitchen dresser in the early hours of this morning!
Can you put it in a cardboard box, say, on top of the wardrobe, so it has air but can be got at? or in a dry shed outside?
^can't be got at....
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I've put it in a lidded fish tank with some leaves which it is munching on. I may let it go in the morning so it can find somewhere to hibernate.
Hi, There's some advice on this link about what you can do with the butterfly.

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Butterfly help needed

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