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Is internet dating for dogs useful?

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AB Editor | 01:00 Thu 08th Mar 2007 | Animals & Nature
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Is internet dating for dogs a genuinely useful option for owners looking to breed their pet or is it just a gimmick?

  • A dog dating agency does seem slightly gimmicky. But if over time it proves popular and is used by dog breeders then it will be justified. - 2 votes
  • 50%
  • No, it's just a gimmick. A way for someone to get there name in the newspapers. It won't be long before it shuts down. - 2 votes
  • 50%
  • Yes, it's good way to expand the gene pool away from just local dogs. Dogs will be healthier and stronger as a result of meeting dogs from across the country. - 0 vote
  • 0%

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Is internet dating for dogs useful?

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