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buster collars

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muppeteer | 22:07 Fri 09th May 2008 | Animals & Nature
5 Answers
my dog toby started licking & biting at his leg where he had surgery, so i have had to put a buster collar on him. can you leave the collar on overnight? the vet did not say


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As your dog is most likely to lick his leg when he is alone at night it would seem that that is when he most needs the collar. Why not phone your vet to check? If he sleeps somewhere in your bedroom then if he becomes distressed by the collar it will most likely wake you and you can deal with it. The main problem with these collars is that the dog has no idea how wide it is and consequently bangs into things. When out walking you must judge whether or not he can get through a space. He will not be able to.
He will need to wear it at night otherwsie he'll be able to get at the wound.
If your dog still has the stitches, then keep the collar on whenever the dog is alone. A lot of people say to keep it on all the time so that they get used to it, but I personally believe in giving the poor thing a break, so when someone is with them and can keep an eye on them, then take the collar off. If the dog no longer has the stitches, but is still chewing the area then it might be worth asking your vet to check and see if it has become infected, and if it is they will give you something to clear it up.
A 'buster' or 'elizabethan' collar can be left on at all times until he's healed. My sad Oriental cat sometimes has bad excema & has had periods in her collar that have lasted months - under regular vetrinary care of course.
I don't use buster collars, i use a rolled up towel around the neck, it does the same job but without the bashing into things of a buster collar!

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