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Barking Dogs

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Caribeing | 21:00 Tue 22nd Apr 2014 | Animals & Nature
21 Answers
Why do neighbours think it is acceptable to inflict barking dogs on us and who needs three dogs in confined spaces! hint hint for neighbours who unfortunately won't see this post!!


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Why don't you shift your neighbour's dogs to your own backyard. Then see how they like it having neighbours with barking dogs.
06:22 Wed 23rd Apr 2014
Did anyone see the TV programme last year some time when the University of Bristol conducted a survey and put up cameras in, I don't know, about 60 homes with dogs? It was really heartbreaking to see the distress that a lot of the dogs were in the minute their owners left the house - barking, defaecating and damaging things. The experts were able to offer a whole host of solutions to help with the trauma that the dogs feel at being left alone. Also, I told my neighbours that their dog was barking almost continuously all day when they went to work - I was sorry for the dog, he must have been exhausted. They were annoyed with me for mentioning it; maybe guilty conscience, I don't know; I was just concerned about the dog.

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