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Crufts Winners Pampered Pooches?

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lankeela | 23:31 Fri 14th Mar 2014 | Animals & Nature
5 Answers
This is Dan The Man the Samoyed who was Reserve Best In Show at Crufts - back to his everyday look![user]=73208822&filters[recent]=1&;sort=1&o=0


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he has dirty paws, and not a hair our of place. yep still pampered !

Are the other photos your Heelers?
Do Heelers have Corgie in them? They look a Doberman/Corgi mix, the are sturdy looking dogs.
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They are believed to stem from a Welsh herding dog similar to the Corgi, which was used to drive cattle up towards the north west where they met up with a type of northern black and tan terrier, much like the Manchester Terrier of today. The breed was kept by farmers because of the attributes of both types of dog, and although not a strict Corgi/Manchester cross the colouring, build and working attributes of both types are still very much in evidence.
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The pictures are my dogs except the one catching the rat! The one with five dogs in is the last litter I bred in December 2011. The two pups are one from that litter and a bitch I bought in. The single dog is my old boy who I lost last year.

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Crufts Winners Pampered Pooches?

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