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firewatch | 21:58 Thu 30th Aug 2012 | Animals & Nature
12 Answers
Pet shaming Association
Today Sprite capped his shaming activities.Whilst picking up his poop he decided kick grass and mud over my head.
He also nicks socks and shoes
Eats our food
Can open the biscuit tin
helps himself to dog treats
Dosnt listen when called
Farts very badly and then wags his tale to waft it around
Climbs on us when muddy
Deliberatley rolls in the smelliest thing going and then climbs onto the fabric car seats
Snores so loudly he wakes everyone else up
Licks himself in front of guests
Makes the most irratating noises to get attention
Belches in our faces
Eats duvets and cushions for a past time
Knocks the toddler over
Think thats his shaming over and done with! Shame your pets :)


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so why have a pet like that?
Makes me very glad I have a cat. Admittedly a cat that likes to play fetch but he's still a cat. Because he's a cat he doesn't know the meaning of the word 'shame'.
Probably because he's still more intelligent and better company than some human beings
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Bcause hes sprite hes my second child!His nick name is the pterodactyl because he likes to sing if someones on the phone
i suppose cats and dogs are better company than some people. you must love him.
My two moggies are siblings and they are a joy to live with.

They thoughtfully wake me up in the morning - usually by sticking claws into me, stomping on me or punching me.

They are afraid that I may get lonely in the bathroom and feel that they have to come with me to entertain me during my time there.

They know that I do not eat biscuits in bed so they share their own biscuit crumbs with me.

I am often assisted whilst typing on the computer by a diligent female moggie. She is also excellent at working the printer and has been known to start it scanning on its own.

I am being trained in walking down the stairs quickly and with a cat immediately behind me egging me on.

I am trusted so much that they feel that they are safe to stick their bums right in my face at least a handful of times a day.

Wrapping Christmas presents is so much simpler with 'help' from either Frankie or Merlin.

This is just a sample list :-)
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Oh we do as hes such a sweet heart on times and stood between my toddler and the other dog when she bit the toddler. He likes to make sure we are ok and likes to cwtch up on us
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Oh forgot that one, opening the door to the bathroom!
Swap it for a bird.
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hell no my daughter cant stand the dust off of birds
He sounds great firewatch, typical much loved, mischevious dog !
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hes a sweet heart and I would not be without him! love him to bits :)

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