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horse's bridle

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minckler | 03:53 Mon 30th May 2005 | Animals & Nature
7 Answers

This person I know bought a horse for her granddaughter and when they go to ride it they are haveing a hard time getting the bridle on. This last time they had to leave with out riding the horse. They don't know what to do, She even suggested that maybe the horses ears were sore. I don't know anything about horses but I said I would ask around...



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Is the horse kept in a livery stable and is there an expert there that you could ask? there are loads of reasons why a horse will refuse its bit, pain in the mouth ears, neck, having had its teeth bashed too many times, having learned that having a bit in leads to unpleasant things like being ridden badly and having its head yanked around, or it could just be that the horse has learned that humans can't make it do things, ha ha. Get a kind and experienced rider to give you some advice, also the vet. You are sure that the horse is actually trained to carry a rider aren't you?? Did you get it vetted and get a proper opinion when it was purchased??
You don't really say what the symptoms are, but in most cases of horses fighting the bridle the cause can be traced to a tender mouth.  In raising and using horses here in the western U.S. we find that a change in the bit usually clears up the problem.  Many horse breeders here prefer a bridle known here as the Hackamore.  This bridle uses no bit, but rather, a leather covered stiff nose piece.  Most horses respond well to this rig. Woofgang's suggestion to have a veterinarian's opinion is certainly appropriate.  It's possible the horse has developed some sort of mouth soreness that can be treated... Best of Luck!

As woofgang says, there are many things that can make a horse refuse to take the bridle. Ask someone with more expereicne to help - they might know something that only comes with experience!

Is the horse just not letting you put the bit in his mouth, or is he being difficult to handle around the head and keep throwing his head back when you try to put the bridle on?

It is important to get the horse checked out by the vet - with special attention being given to the teeth (and ears).  Do you know anything about the horses history?  Maybe he has been hit around the head, had an ear twitch applied, only been tacked up to be treated badly, as woofgang says, or maybe he simply hasn't been trained properly - sometimes horses don't stand still and lower their head only because they don't know they're supposed to.

Hope this helps!

Good suggestion from Clanad too - if you can't use a Hackamore, try using a rubber bit if you don't already have one, as this won't hurt the horses teeth if it bangs against them!

try padding out the bridle and gently sticking your fingers in the corner of the horses moutn to get the bit in also check its teeth has it had its wolf teeth pulled out has it got a sore mouth if so try using sodercream hope this helps

good luck

:-) :-) :-) :-)

becci and seften (my pony)

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She says the bit isn't to bad to get on the horse, the ears seem to be the problem.  They can't even touch the ears.  Is there a known problem that horses have with ears or should a vet be called for certain.

poor chap call the vet for certain NOW

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horse's bridle

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