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Spinning In English Bull Terrier

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herbie | 23:15 Sun 07th Jul 2013 | Pets
5 Answers
My neighbours EBT keeps on spinning round and round ,he VERY distressed he's been doing this since Friday she he's been to the vets twice and there saying neurological probs and to use distraction tactics ???apparently there's nothing they can do till 4 to momorrow in case he needs X-RAY they have emptied anal glades felt his tummy and gave him equivalent of tramadol which should knock him out but not working any ideas ?


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He's only 2 years old and never dine anything like this before and is lazy any help please.
Herbie it must be heart breaking to watch this, but in truth if the Vet is acting tomorrow then not sure what advice we could give - please do let us know how he gets on.
Well known in the breed:
A very common neurological disorder but that doesn't make it any less distressing, training may help as well as trying to protect the dog from any stressful situations but in the short term very difficult to do anything. The vet will try to rule out epilepsy or seizures as a cause and will hopefully provide advice re training methods etc.

Any news?

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