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merton69 | 16:46 Mon 23rd Jan 2012 | Pets
7 Answers
My cat has been diagnosed with an over active thyroid gland and it is costing us a fair bit in vet orders for his tablets (felimazole).

Does anyone know of a reputable online shop than can sell us the tablets at probably a cheaper price please?


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This one /looks/ reputable, but I have not used them.

Hi there are a few around, this is the only one I have used, good prices and fast delivery.

Lisa x
Your vet will probably charge you for a prescription.

My vet charges £20 so by the time I pay that and the cost of the inhaler it works out about the same price as the vet charges.
vetmedic pharmacy:
Canine Chemist (Hyperdrug) - have used these many times.
Get a "multiple dispense" script from your Vet - they have to provide them - but are now permitted to charge a 'nominal' fee - much more than £5 is taking the Fosters I think.

I use - very efficient & helpful
Just for interest everyone - my vet has put a notice up in his waiting room to say that their consultation fee has had to go up by 50p per person due to lost business to the internet pharmacies. When I stated that this wasn't fair - he said that the cost of drug sales helps subsidise the other side of being a vet. If one income drops - the other has to go up. He also said he would rather charge cost price for drugs and then just charge for professional time etc. However he feels that this would affect animal welfare as who would pay £50 for a consultation!!

I guess we may be saving on one hand, but losing out on the other.

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