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Glpblondie | 23:04 Mon 14th Aug 2006 | Film, Media & TV
19 Answers
what did anyone make of it?


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It was something to guilt trip naive daily mail readers, the people who actually take steryotypes seriously.
(yes i know that is a steryotype but you get my point)
well i thought it was an accurate depiction of our society today , it had a depth of research rarely seen on British TV.
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but dont you think they kind of bring it on themselves
i thouhgt it was really interestin but depressing at the same time,some may bring it on themselves but the ones on the show i think are in genuine hardship,well thats my opinion anyway
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...I think they should make everyone from the age of 13 watch it at school...
i think it's target audience was probably in bed actually, on reflection.
I think alot of these girls leave school get pregnant just so they don't have to go and get a job. Then moan that they have been put in a damp council flat. Don't moan, get out and work.
I felt sorry for both of them but more so for the girl who had been brought up in care and also had the alcoholic mother. I dont think i could cope with what she had been through and she seemed to be bringing up her children really well. I agree that to get pregnant a 2nd time was stupid but she did get a job at the end and did want to make a better life for her and her children and i really admired her for that.
sh!!t i missed it!! ooo :@ i really wanted to watch that!! xx
Was quite interesting. But what made me laugh was that the mother (the recovering alcoholic) of one of the girls said she was seeing her dad for over a year and half but didnt ever know his surname but he was on the eletrical pole. :-)
ermintrude35 - that is such a good idea to show to girls at school. It's exactly what they should see.
i missed it too (sorry 4getmenot i missed your text).

I hope it showed the reality of being a young single mother. Im sure many young girls see it as a 'career' with money coming in to support them whilst they look after a cute doll-like baby.

Anyone know if itll be repeated?
No don�t think it is repeated. I don�t think it concentrated really on how hard it is, I think they should have drilled it into teenagers heads more how these girls had no money but it showed them going out and partying. Both were smokers too and I they moan about not having money. The amount she bought her kids for xmas though was more than any normal kid would have.
when they stated they had , per week �30 left to spend on themselves, plus �20 for the kids - after food & rent, i kinda lost my sympathy im afraid. this is often more than i have left a week for myself after bills and food. my house badly needs decorating, is damp, no carpet in hall and stairs. i work full time and live alone and thats what it costs to live. sometimes i feel sorry for myself too - but i have to remind myself what i do have. and mostly i am proud of what ive managed to do alone.
mandimoo, I can understand your annoyance at their complaining
I cant see why benefits should pay for the social life of a claimer. if they want to smoke or go out drinking they should earn that money themselves or at the very least stop complaning that their benefits are too low and that they are struggling.
Mandimoo I felt exactly the same, I work full time and don�t have enough money for myself a lot of the time as I live by myself and have a mortgage, bills, no benefits etc. Then it�s always my mates with no job that moan about money that are in the pub every night or buying pointless things that they don�t need.
I agree as I'm like a lot of you working with a mortgage and in a o-paying job and virtually noithing left at then end of the month - and often going into an overdraft. What I found unbelievable was that they could get a loan off the social - that was the only way the girl had money to go out clubbing. She had taken a loan out for �400 the year before so probably used money from something like that to get christmas presents.

I don't agree with the "they've brought it on themselves" totally. As accidents will always happen and the only contraception that is foolproof is abstinence. i think they should do more to promote girls into realising that just cause you date a guy doesn't give him the right to go all the way - not t the age that kds these age are getting way too serious. when I was a teenager, it was the minority who got pregnant at a young age, and they usually already had a name for themselves.

My friend was aged 15 declared herelf homeless as her parents kicked her out - as they were both alcoholics and her dad knocked her aout and when she went to housing - she was told by the official running it - "go and gt pregnanant an you'll get a ouse right away"
i think in fairness you can't judge any of these girls if you don't know what its like being in their position,but i agree that they really shouldnt smoke if there stuggling with money,and i think the idea of showing teen age girls that is a really good idea!

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