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not scary, desperately sad.
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Scary to look at though em?
at 4 stone, like victims of Belsen, not scary, but as said very very sad.
Not scary at all. They are not monsters.
scary to think their self esteem was low enough to do that to themselves
Poor women - such a sad end to what seems like sad lives.
How sad is that, how tragic for them
not scary but definately weird.
yes tragic.
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I was not implying that they were monsters, merely that it is scary to look at anyone in that state.
i have seen people in this state, when they were ill and dying, it's very hard.
Very sad indeed. To think that they were once babies with their whole lives in front of them.
sad, sad, sad.
Yes duncer because their appearance is so different to the 'norm' then scary is a word I'd agree with. It's also very scary to realise that two humans can put themselves through such suffering and no-one was able to help them. Tragic.

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Scary, scary women

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