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Setting Up A New Pc.

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kloofnek | 15:34 Mon 26th May 2014 | Computers
45 Answers
Is setting up a desktop PC as easy as a laptop?
Need to get a new one ,as the present one is not Wireless Enabled and am using Ethernet Network Adapter with it but my son is not happy with this...hence a new PC.I have wireless broadband where the ENA is running from.


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Yes, they're the same thing really. You can probably make your current desktop wireless enabled for next to nothing. Does it have any usb ports?
Question Author does,have the Network Adapter plugged into it.But son not happy,it keeps losing connection .

I amworried about attaching cables to the right sockets eg:printer monitor etc. in the new one.
Do you men a wireless network adaptor is plugged in? If it keeps losing the connection then I would try and find out why before buying a new computer. You could buy another one and find the same thing happening. There must be a fault somewhere which may have nothing to do with the desktop.
Sorry, "do you mean....
Question Author
There is only only one thing I can think of,the Network Adapter is plugged into an extension as there is no wall plug socket nearby and it is surge protected which apparently should not be (according to where I bought it) but cannot find a non-surged on long enough.
If that is the problem, then you will still have this problem with your new computer. You must have a router somewhere with wireless access. You could buy a usb dongle for a few pounds and give your son wireless access. See if you can borrow one to check that it works before buying.
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No will not have a problem with a new PC cos it will be Wireless enabled and will run from my Virgin router of 152Mb.
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Have already got a dongle,well it is a T-Mobile (now EE) Pointer,only use where there is no WiFi connection when on my travels.It is good and can attache 5 devices to it at good for Skyping unfortunately!!!
You didn't say you wanted to Skype. Presumably this doesn't work with Skype because Skype needs a high bitrate that you get from your plug adaptor when it is working. So if you bought a new desktop which was wireless enabled that wouldn't work either. Why don't you just buy an extension cable without surge protection and use that, but check that it solves the problem first by borrowing one or move the desktop temporarily to a place where you can plug it directly into the wall and test it out.
Wireless connections do not support the high bitrates that hard-wired network connections support.
I'm assuming that you want to use video with Skype.
Question Author
Skype not an absolute necessity.have no problem with it with the Network Adapters or just with the router ..and my son does not use it anyway...and he is the one complaining about the NA..I was just commenting that the Wireless Pointer is no good for it.
I don't understand why it's no good for it.
Question Author
Apparently it is just the T-Mobile dongles that are not adapt with Skype...seen many complaints regards this...why..have no idea!!!
Details please of the Ethernet Network Adapter and make/model of your pc, Windows O/S

Are you aware the Virgin Router (if its a Super Hub 2) can broadcast in the 5Ghz wireless and have you checked its switched on? 5Ghz has a superior range. It may well be your Ethernet Adapter might not be able to receive this, but its worth a try.

Also have you considered adding a Wireless Ethernet Card to the pc, provided you've got a spare slot on the motherboard.
Question Author
my virgin router is 152Ghz,,they upgraded me when I told them about the problem,said it MIGHT help...but it has is the latest router,only had it since March.
I,personally,am happy with the way things are...but my son is if he wants a new PC,he will have to pay for it.I am happy on my laptop which I use more.
I'm not convinced that buying a new desktop will solve your problems - it could very easily be a waste of money.
Also I'm not clear about why your son is not happy with what he's got now.
If the problem is just with the network connection then buying a new desktop will not solve your problem.
Hello. I think you are describing a Wireless 3G Dongle. What you need is a WIFI USB Dongle. This should connect to your existing WIFI network and should be fast enough for Skype etc.
stoofur /What you need is a WIFI USB Dongle. /
I agree.

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