Well, its a full moon tonight there has been speculation for many years that people change when its 'Full Moon'
Have you had experience of this or parhaps someone you know? Does it have an effect on our moods?
Have you got a story about it to tell us?
My friend`s husband used to give her hell when it was a full moon. My mum says she can`t sleep when it`s full moon. They`re both Geminis (don`t know whether that`s got anything to do with it)
Yes, I`ve heard about the mental homes. My friend`s husband used to be a psychiatric nurse and he said he used to get niggly problems with the patients on a full moon night shift
Well I'm a complete arsy b1tch today if that's of any relevance. If one more person p1sses me off I can't promise I won't stab them with my letter opener.