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American Tourist

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Chipchopper | 20:10 Tue 26th Jan 2016 | Jokes
3 Answers
An American tourist visits a restaurant in a small town in southern Spain, as his Spanish wasn't too hot, he decided to go for 'The Dish Of The Day' (about the only thing he could decipher from the menu).

The waiter duly came back with the dish and the customer asked: "what kind of meat it was ?"

"Senor, this is cojones" the waiter replied.

"What the heck are cojones ?" exclaimed the customer.

"They are the testicles of the bull that has been killed in the ring today, its a specialty in this region" the waiter explained.

The American was a little squeamish but decided to give it a try.
He found it delirious and was pleased that he had found something new to wright home about.

A couple of days later, he went back to the restaurant and ordered the same dish again.
This time, he didn't enjoy them like he had before and once finished, he called the waiter over.

"These are not a patch on the ones I had the other day, for a start they are smaller and more salty"

The waiter replied: "This is true Senor, it is because the bull is not always the winner"


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Don't want to spoil a great joke but shouldn 't the punchline be the bull is not always the loser? :-)
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At least someone is on the 'Bull' Retro :-)

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American Tourist

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