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marval | 20:03 Mon 22nd Sep 2014 | Jokes
6 Answers
Paddy was spotted driving along the road at a steady speed, when he suddenly indicated right and pulled off onto the hard shoulder.

He quickly jumped out of the car and opened the boot.

From a large bag, he produced a party hat, streamers, a bottle of lemonade, sandwiches and a cake.

After eating the food and drinking the lemonade, he launched into a little Irish jig.

The whole proceedings lasted about fifteen minutes, after which he got back in his car and drove off.

Curious, the police followed him at a distance and half an hour later, they saw him stop and repeat the whole procedure.

This was too much for the officers, so they decided to check him out.

"Can we ask you the reason for all the stops and the food, drink and Irish jigs?" one of the officers asked.

"Well, sir," explained Paddy, "I'm on the company's outing."

"But you're the only one here," argued the officer.

"Yes, I know," replied Paddy "I'm self-employed!"


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Lemonade? An Irish guy? You made that up, marval, didn't you?

///he suddenly indicated RIGHT and pulled off onto the hard shoulder.///

Abroad somewhere was he?

Ah, I see! He must have been an American-Irishman (or, an Irish-American)!
Bookbinder, Paddy was much more hyphenated than that: he lived in Quebec; therefore, he's a French-Canadian-Irishman:)
Type Your Answer Here...You mean he wasn't a Newfy Stuey??

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