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What's the worst thing....

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~max~ | 15:21 Fri 01st Jun 2007 | Body & Soul
21 Answers
that anyone has ever said to you? (as in rude / inconsiderate...not "die, biatch!" kind of way!)

For me, it was when I was about 17, typical teenage low confidence, and the guy I fancied like mad told me "you'll probably look good when you're old"....

Nice! lol


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10 days overdue with Mini Boo and i decided to potter (oh ok waddle) up to town. Coming home, wheezing and puffing through effort, two kids passed me, about 10ish and one said...."hehe, you look like you're about to explode"....I cried the rest of the way home :-(

One Sunday morning at work a few weeks ago, thoroughly knackered, a customer said to me "Blimey, it must have been a good night last night, you still look hungover and well grim"....I was stone cold sober :-(
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I don't do manners:-(
Visiting my exs nana many years ago. She wasnt the nicest of grandparents and nothing was good enough for her grandson.

She was showing me all her ornaments in her tiny little bungalow and telling me how she had so many from the years. Then said 'we all have our little problems though, I hoard things and you have spots'

mean old bat!
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lol Boo! People can be right a$$holes can't they!

Just thought of another one, that happened more than once...Still teenager, on the large side, whenever one of my mates' parents gave us a lift I had to sit in the front seat because " the biggest one goes at the front". Particularly awful when of of the other passengers is a 45 year old man.....:O(
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pmsl @ redcrx!!!
lol Boo, I used to get you look tired a lot when I was fine.

The worse thing that anyone ever told was my uncle when I was 14 told me I looked JUST like chun li from Street Fighter, maybe not so bad but he was looking at my thighs just after I got in from netball practise. He still calls me Chun in his letters.... I really detest the man, but I have got the confidence to say **** off baldy now.

On a similar note whilst working in a really big pub I over heard a customer saying to a member off staff, " I dont know how you manage it!"

"manage what?"

"You walk up and down here all day long collecting glasses and somehow you still manage to put on weight!"

Of course I had a little snigger but it was incredibly rude.

An ex of mine told me once her mum thought I was a useless pratt. It wasn't meant to be.

I have control of the remote from now on darling!


oh and just incase you dont know what chun li looks like..... 006/10/chun-li.jpg
on a more serious note.

my wife an i had an argument 10 odd years ago, and the mother-in-law turned around to me and said that if we {my wife and me} ever divorced, she would make sure i never see my kids again, she could'nt apologise enough afterwards, but it still bugs me.

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lol ! just remembered another one!
Fancy dress party with the family, when I was about 9...
Came dressed as Charlie Chaplin, and my uncle greeted me saying "wow, your Oliver Hardy costume is great!"

I had a preganancy scare a few years ago and it turned out that I wasn't pregnant but that I had problems with my ovaries. My ex's Mum said "thanks goodness you weren't pregnant, I would have hated to have a mixed race grandchild" (my ex is white and I am mixed race).

Few years down the line and she is dating a mixed race guy herself so just waiting to bump into her to get my revenge!
haha...Max would you like to start up the my uncle is a noob support group.
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lol Goodsoulette! I actually have 7 of them, including one who was a right old perv, and used to grope my friend's ass whenever he saw her! Eeeeeeeeeeeew!!!
Im afraid I can way top you on that.... I have 24 uncles, 30 if you include the step uncles. I only dislike one of them though. The one I dont like I caught kissing my friend when I and she was 17. She didnt have enormous thighs though surprisingly.
Going to the hairdresser when I was about 14 with loads of spots on my forehead which I was self-conscious about and the hairdresser saying "been picking have we?"
I felt like walking out.
not me but..................... we took our 7month old son to have his picture taken at alum mills(SP) and the girl on the reception started in her highest voice squaking............ look at him , isnt he fat!!!! my wife (who had serious PND) went bright red with anger and i had to basicly turn my back on this woman to shut her up!!

ps............ my son is the skinniest thing in the world!!!
ruge has reminded me of the time someone said of my eldest son, "oh, doesnt he have big ears" I was fuming, he was only about 4 months old and he doesnt! Hes nearly 16 now (and gorgeous) but it still makes me cross to think that someone is so tactless.
When i was a teenager, i really fancied this lad, but unfortunately the feeling wasnt mutual. He sent his mate over to tell me he thought i was a dragon that breathed green smoke. Needless to say, i was gutted, (for about 2 days anyway) Looser! lol
My gran one time turned to my eldest brother and bluntly asked "are you gay then". Poor sod.

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