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When is the next Bond movie released

A. A release date has been locked in for November 29 2002, which conveniently marks the 40th anniversary of the series, and Bond producers Eon have struck a deal with Uk actors' union Equity, to01:00 Mon 31st Dec 2001

What was the first play broadcast on UK television

A. The first publicly televised play in Britain was broadcast from John Logie Baird's studio in London's Long Acre. It was called 'The Man With a Flower in His Mouth' and was organised by the BBC. it01:00 Mon 31st Dec 2001

Where is the world's only Cointreau museum

A. The Cointreau Museum is in Angers in the Loire Valley in north-west France, and is a dedicated shrine for lovers of the liqueur. It is the latest in a string of museums set up at distilleries at01:00 Mon 19th Nov 2001

Mary Norton (1903-1992)

Q. Who was Mary Norton A. The British children's writer Mary Norton (n e Pearson) was born in London and died at the age of 88 in Devon. She was educated in a convent school and trained as an01:00 Sat 27th Oct 2001

He's behind you!: Pantomime

Q. We're all familiar with that great British institution pantomime, but where does it come from A. Pantomime as we understand it today is a Christmas entertainment intended primarily - though,01:00 Thu 18th Oct 2001

Why did the late US film director Stanley Kubrick live in England

A. Good question, there. The native New Yorker who inspired the newly released AI: Artificial Intelligence lived in Hertfordshire, until his death in March 1999. Easy answers: he loved the01:00 Mon 01st Oct 2001

How are classic film preserved

A. Film preservation is a relatively new field, and there is a shortage of skilled technicians for such specialist films. Part of the problem facing the film industry is the cost involved. A typical01:00 Mon 17th Sep 2001

Can Michael Jackson still cut it

Invincible, to be released in October A. He has. After an audio silence of nearly six years, he is about to release a new album. A single, You Rock My World, is already out. Q. The album should01:00 Mon 03rd Sep 2001

Why did the world need to be ready for Bruce Springsteen

A. The phrase "Finally the world is ready for Bruce Springsteen!" was used as part of a poster campaign that heralded the much-hyped visit of the New Jersey singer-songwriter in 1975. Springsteen01:00 Mon 06th Aug 2001

Who is in the runnning to win this year's National TV Awards

A. The nominations for the National Television Awards have recently been announced and Big Brother presenter Davina McCall has been nominated in five different categories so looks certain to walk01:00 Mon 09th Jul 2001

How did Howard Hughes make his money

A. Tools, planes, movies, land and films. Q. Quite a businessman, then A. Yes. But severely disturbed - probably a schizophrenic. Howard Robard Hughes Jr, died a billionaire on 5 April, 1976 -01:00 Mon 04th Jun 2001

Who will shine at the Cannes Film festival

Q. Who is likely to shine at this year's Cannes Film festival A. Japanese director Shohei Imamura is tipped to be winner of the Palme d'Or. Also present will be David Lynch, the Coen Brothers01:00 Mon 07th May 2001

What excitement can we expect from this year's Baftas

A. Well, Anne Robinson's Weakest Link is head to head with Chris Tarrant for the title of Best Entertainment Series at the Bafta television awards. They face stiff competition from Have I Got News01:00 Mon 16th Apr 2001

Is there a health risk associated with wearing high heels

asks M Scott. A. It depends how often you wear them. In the 1940s and 1950s, women wore them all the time and ended up with bunions and hammer toes. These days, they're not worn so often. Q. When01:00 Mon 26th Mar 2001

What s all the fuss about Cecil Beaton s diaries

A. The unexpurgated diaries of Sir Cecil Beaton, the royal photographer, are to be published, revealing what he really thought about the stars he knew. Q. Such as A. Katharine Hepburn and01:00 Thu 22nd Mar 2001

What does the Oscar statuette signify

A. The statuette was designed by MGM chief art director Cedric Gibbons and it depicts a knight holding a crusader's sword standing on a reel of film with five spokes, signifying the original branches01:00 Tue 27th Feb 2001

What happens when you drink your own urine asked Max

By Meril Haseen Any negative effects from drinking your own urine ...asked Max. Apparently, you shouldn't drink your own wee unless you are a vegetarian or vegan who abstains from drugs (meat-eaters01:00 Mon 26th Feb 2001

Merged British studios hope to compete with Hollywood

By Katharine MacColl THE two biggest film and TV studios in Europe are starring in their own blockbuster as Pinewood and Shepperton merge in an effort to attract more Hollywood movie moguls. 01:00 Wed 14th Feb 2001

Ask the audience

By Katharine MacColl SOME really great questions have been posted on the Film and TV section in the last few days. Here are some of the highlights: You love the movies and think you're a right old01:00 Thu 25th Jan 2001

The real pulling power of Hollywood stars

By Katharine MacColl WHO would you rate as the world's leading movie star Just how do you compare de Niro, diCaprio and Paltrow Bruce Willis: No.1Well, action man Bruce Willis is top of the01:00 Wed 17th Jan 2001

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