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I have been on the website a few times, and have texted a number of girls there. This is, at first, free but then then charge you the rate of ?1.50 per text received. I have...
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Hi, Just wanted to tell someone (!!) that I found out last friday that we are expecting!! I am excited and pleased (we've been trying a while), but can't help reigning myself and not allowing myself...
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jonah hart
My mother in law is going through the menopause,She,s coping quite well but the hot flushes are getting her down there even waking her up at night,Can anyone recommend anything for them please,Thanks.
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has anyone ever got all four posts in the recent posts box before?
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Should i leave here and come back with a different attitude. Am i rude to you . Am i truthfull. Have you mostly been of great help to me Am i grateful my thanx to the people who are wise and you know...
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In A Pickle
I am just back from the hospital,having taken a large overdose of Lithium.I won't bore you with what caused it,just to say I was at the bottom of my dark place. After a while I panicked and called the...
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Good Evening once again to all MM and KM Linkers This evening, Crofter who has been sunning himself for the last week in Tenefife, should be winging his way swiftly back to AB. Until I hear that he is...
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Today was less warm than it was at the start of the week. I was disappointed. No naughty answers, please.
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Today was less warm than it was at the start of the week. I was disappointed. No naughty answers, please.
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Got any raisins? Fancy a date ? Is that a mirrror in your pocket ? because i can sure see myself in your pants. Your eyes are like spanners. Everytime i look into them my nuts tighten. If you were a...
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apart from chatter bank witch chat room would you recommend IE face book or (what ever ) as i have only ever used AB as it is easy to use :-)
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Ok, maybe I am a bit thick, but I can't work out this YoVille thing. I have made my character and decorated my living room, now what do I do? Please someone explain in simple terms how it works and...
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Since Naomi will not give me the ****ing key I have decided to follow Jesus and be a Christian just like Theland. I am ashamed of my past history here so I'm going to devote the time I used to spend...
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... to Chatterbank anymore or can AB-ED shut it down as another welcomed but failed attempt to give people a place to chat, and concentrate on bringing the Q&A theme of the site back to a decent...
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i live in flats, got two very young children, 1 & 3, they both now sleep through the night, which is a godsend ive waited 3 years for a decent sleep at night, my question is i being...
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Whilst running a lunchtime club, I asked one of the girls where her lunch was. She said that she never ate lunch or breakfast but she did eat tea. I said did her Mum know this and she said no, and...
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I am terribly embarrased that, at the age of 41, i've never used a butchers except for prepacked barbeque stuff. So i want to start using one...or a farm type shop but in all honesty, i haven't got a...
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Once you have left a company are your personal details meant to remain confidential? An ex colleague has been trying to get hold of me and eventually rang my parents. The only way they could have got...
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matthew you can keep the green cuddleMe, youre more than welcome to keep it. cos im outta here. BYE ALL. ice.m, bigmamma, mistys, smudge, ray, tigger, sir.prize. leg, in.a.pickle, beejay, china doll,...

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