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If you could afford to live either life which would it be ?Are you a true townie can't live without noise and the fast pace of life ,or could you live somewhere in the country and enjoy peace and...
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i used to love bullseye and catchphrase (when roy walker was the host ) what are yours ? thanks
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Ok I don't often post here but I reckon you body and soul professionalls may be able to help. For the last 6 weeks or so I have been seeing a new girlfriend. Yes there is a mad woman out there! Anyway...
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24 male, newly single and not a clue what to do from here.... I am not boasting but I am a good looking guy, but when im single for some reason i never get much attention. I am on myspace, faceparty...
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Soldier Girl
Does anyone know where I can find a picture of some 1980s hysterical fans on the internet? I have trawled it and am having no luck - Bros fans would be ideal. Is there an image search engine I may not...
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My beatiful wife has presented me with our 2nd handsome boy 7lb 13oz how lucky am I Sorry this isnt a quesion, just wanted the world to know how im a proud parent again Thanks
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Are you a person who as to have the latest music tone or are you a bit like me and like the silly voice tones or are you the tradionalist and like the business ringtone standard tone .What type are...
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I decided on Sunday that come Monday I was going to change my life - eat healthy, get fit, cut down on smoking (with a view to pack in completely!) and give up the booze. Thinking back, I have drank...
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If you were on death row, what 3 course meal would you chose to go out on? mine would be garlic mushrooms followed by chicken Tikka masala with fried rice and a keema nan bread and for pudding it...
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Heres a question when getting your haircut at the salon or barbers do you prefer a cape on you with no sleeves or a gown with sleeves.As a child i used wonder why barbers used capes and salons used...
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On Saturday I bought several items from Asda for the fridge, for dinners throughout the week. However I've just noticed that they are all Best Before today! Granted I should have checked dates in the...
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Strange question but does anyone else but me find having their hair washed as pleasant as I do, I feel all relaxed and
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I know this is not really a b&s question but is anybody else fed up with the world cup allready and all the paraphernalia that goes with it
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How many ABer's have a deep fat fryer and use it rarely to never? Have been considering getting on of these as I'm uneasy about using a pan to deep fry chips as it splashes and bubbles up dangerously....
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Dear Ed, Following yesterday's upset brought on by Mr Ward-Minter spewing insults and abuse about myself and my family,dont you think its time this abhorrant man was banned? By his own words he...
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my grandson will not eat anything his mum gives him he goes for day without any food at all what can we do ,
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If you could have some free plastic surgery, what would you have done if anything?
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i have thought about this question for a long time now. What i want to know is, do men really find women, (who i consider to be incredibly false,) such as Jordan,Jodie Marsh and Pamela Anderson...
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i looked through my blokes phone the other day (wrong of me i know but i only did it as i had suspicions), in it i found messages from that morning saying i am still in love with you from him to a...
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just a thought. most companies have a little disclaimer at the end of enrolment forms. dont remember the AB having one. you know how it goes "tick here if you do/dont wish to" there must be tens of...

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